Acceptance (Sit your bum down!)
I have a few repeated sayings that the Plasma Light Tribe is used to hearing
“wiggle-wiggle” is one
“shine baby shine” is another
They often hear me say things like “you can’t leave where you are till you are where you are”
but possibly my favourite one is a saying that when I first said it, I shocked myself because truly is sounds a bit crass and is not the most elegant delivery but it’s brilliant to give a clear, no beating around the bush teaching.
“sit your bum down”
Sometimes people get stuck. I’ve seen them get exasperated trying to make sense of the spiritual path which can be so confusing and contradictory. This leads them to attempt unreasonable feats that land up causing more harm than good. For example, when people are trying to be “high vibe” instead of present with what they feel, or when they’re not moving forwards yet are desperate to do so. On those occasions only one saying will do and it is
It delivers a powerful burst of truth that leaves little doubt as to what to do when you’re stuck.
So what do you do when you find yourself where you don’t want to be?
Sit your bum down!
Let me explain this:
I’ve noticed that people hear a teaching but battle to apply it when it comes to the crunch. The PLT gets to ask me questions once a month in a live Q&A call and this is when I often notice them getting tripped up in the same place. They’ll hear me teach the importance of being with what is, rather than entering the realm of illusion to be with what they wish. Yet, when it comes down to it, I’ve witnessed many of them reverting to the illusion, believing that this is how you create reality.
No, that’s how you get unreal and perpetuate pain, suffering and illusion.
You need to sit your bum down into the discomfort of where you are. Sit your bum down into the place you don’t want to be so that you can dissolve it. You do not dissolve a reality, feeling or experience by ignoring it or pretending it away. In order to transcend where you are, you first have to be where you are. That’s an art, but once you master it you have mastered reality, and it’s what I teach so you’re not alone to figure this out for yourself – I’ve got you.
But promise yourself this: I’m not going to do what someone else says I must do unless it feels like my truth. Something in what Kerry is saying has to ring true for me before I apply it. That way you are always operating in your highest alignment and learning to use resonance as your barometer.
The spiritual community has been so misled, purposefully intending to dilute the creative energy of a group of people on this planet who are the most powerful. As a result, they really battle to be in pain and don’t realize how they prolong that pain when they sidestep it, avoid it, deny it, pretend something better.
The misteaching freely spread throughout the spiritual and self-help community is that in order to evoke the reality you wish you had, act as if you’re in it. Remember that a lie cannot be outright, it must have elements of truth in it to be believable. There’s nothing wrong with acting as though you are the person you wish to be in the reality you wish to have. The issue is the spiritual bypassing or avoidance that comes from the unresolved existing reality.
The unresolved existing reality has something to teach you and you have to learn the lesson otherwise you will simply transfer it to the next reality you find yourself in.
Here’s a practical example. Let’s say that a person is ill. There are two unhealthy extremes that describe how people usually deal with this. The one extreme is to imagine that yourself well by denying the illness and pretending it doesn’t exist. The other extreme is to wallow in the hopelessness and pain of the illness.
The path of higher consciousness will take neither of these two options. The path of truth is going to acknowledge that in this moment, sickness exists, it is real, it is what is. That person is going to “sit their bum down” into where they are. No denying, no escaping, no wallowing, no pretending, no defeat, no misery, just the simple act of acknowledging what is.
Because they’ve acknowledged that sickness exists, and it is what is, they will have no problem acknowledging that health exists. They will not cling to health in desperation, they will not see healing as a “pass or fail event” but as an obvious reality that they’ll step into as soon as this one discharges.
We are born to evolve. This means that we will continually evolve into higher realities as soon as we have accepted the existing one. Whatever the existing reality is, a higher one already exists. To reach it though, you must be where you are … first.
This is the path of acceptance. Acceptance leads to neutrality. Once you become neutral to the illness it has taught you what it came to teach you and now it dissolves itself.
You see?!!
You don’t have to undo a reality; you don’t have to stop the illness. You only need accept the illness and it dissolves itself. How brilliant, right?
Let me say it again, you don’t have to dissolve the reality you don’t want. It dissolves itself in the presence of your neutrality towards it. Neutrality allows all the lessons of that reality to be conveyed to you, absorbed and integrated into you.
A reality that is not optimal is always going to dissipate when you accept it but you can’t accept it without being with it, acknowledging it and none of that is possible until you sit your bum down.
Most of what I’m seeing spiritual seekers doing, is trying to override a reality and then, when they can’t, they believe that they’ve failed or are not powerful enough.
No! They’re simply employing the methods of reality creation that were put into main steam spiritual thinking in order to mislead them and prevent them from becoming powerful.
When you let yourself be in the moment and meet yourself in the moment, it can be overwhelming. Sometimes you don’t know what’s there. You don’t necessarily know what you’ll meet because we have all been conditioned to not be in the moment, instead we have found refuge in being outside of the moment where we were free to dance with the illusion of control.
Control needs analysis to be present in order for it to be effective. In other words, you can’t easily control when you’re not analysing or over thinking. Control is an act of not trusting the moment, not trusting what is, not trusting reality and a fear that things as they are will be too difficult to bear. Therefore, control is what we use to not be in the moment and to not accept the moment. When you sit your bum down, you are committed to being with what instead of being in the illusion of control.
The illusion of control is not the only illusion that we have been taught to play with. There are others; distraction is another one of them. Again, this requires mental engagement because distraction is the act of not being present, where you are powerful and capable of being with what is. When you are with what is, you can dissolve it. When you are not, you cannot. It’s that simple. You can distract yourself with thoughts of what you wish would happen, but these will only create more illusion.
We are in the era of dissolving illusion and not creating more illusion. That’s why these methods no longer work. In the past, they may have at least brought the comfort of avoidance but now, avoidance is no longer comforting. Resolution is.
Sit your bum down into where you are so that you can be where you are and only once you are where you are, can you move past it.
People spend lifetimes trying to get somewhere else but when frustration meets them, they double down their efforts of analysis/avoidance/distraction/resistance and exhaust themselves trying to do the impossible. You can’t not do something; you can only do something. In other words, by not wanting to be where you are … you are guaranteeing that you will be there.
This means that not wanting to face something means it will stay with you until you do, by not wanting to experience something, you’re going to keep creating the experience of what you don’t want.
Words won’t unglue you from a difficult situation. You can’t think your way out. Thoughts are an extension of the mental realm. The mental realm is not where healing lies. In the past we used the mental realm (words and thoughts) to overpower realities we did not like. It was never a long-term solution, it did not result in the raising of frequency, despite this however, it often brought about a change in circumstance. We could use words therefore, to change the landscape of the reality we were in but not the lessons we needed to learn in it.
We used to live 100% inside of the mental realm. That’s where reality operated from. When your reality exists in the mental realm, you can use the mental realm to manipulate it. Some people saw this as success and are confused as to why they can’t find the same “success” they once did and can no longer think their way out of a reality or use words to chant their way out.
We don’t live in the mental realm anymore. We don’t live in the same realm we were born to. The mental realm still exists but reality is not being operated from within it, the old tools will simply not work effectively, or at all.
We are shifting (rapidly) out of the mental realm into natural, organic reality, which is a field of consciousness instead of parameters of illusion. If I put this another way, I’d say we are shifting out of the false matrix, into the organic universe.
That’s why words don’t work and why thinking your way out of something will not help you now. Truthfully it never did, but it did create a change of scenery. Just never a change of frequency. Now we are operating in a realm that we have not occupied for many lifetimes. This shift is natural and part of our ascension process.
If you feel yourself tempted to “word your way” out of a situation or think your way through a feeling, then remind yourself to sit your bum down into the feeling and experience, of where you are.
Now you get to deal with reality as it is, a bandwidth of energies, frequencies and vibrations. To resolve and dissolve the uncomfortable, be with it. Allow it to dissolve through your ability to connect and accept. Do not insist and resist, connect and accept. Remember that as you sit your bum down a little more, allowing yourself more scope to be with what is. The deeper you step out of denial, the fuller your reality field becomes.
This is to say that the false matrix and mental realm wherein it exists, is a very narrow field of existence. It is illusion after all and illusion by its very nature, is not part of reality. It’s pretence, nothing more than a puff of smoke.
When you step out of analysis and out of the mental realm and start learning to be with reality you suddenly start to expand into the open space around you, finding a fullness and a wholeness you never felt before.
Members of the PLT often say to me that after a few weeks they start to find themselves feeling more real, more energised and more complete within themselves. They drop the feeling of “something’s missing” and start to entertain a sense of wholeness.
The things you don’t want are things you’ll get
Every time you enter into the “I don’t want” of life, you need to acknowledge something and that is: “but I’ve got”.
Not wanting something will not unmanifest it. Ignoring something will glue it to you. Avoiding something will entangle you to it. Denying, resisting … it’s all the same.
We have to get very real with where we are in order to move beyond where we are. This means be there, and be there fully, before you move on because all efforts to not be there, will keep you where you don’t want to be. A person can think their way out, analyze their way out, avoid their way out and get nowhere except deeper into denial, deeper into analysis, deeper into pain and deeper into avoidance. All the while, amplifying the pain they have inadvertently created.
The key is acceptance. Acceptance is one word, but I’ve delivered many hours’ worth of teaching on that single word because that’s how in-depth it gets. Read the above again, and you’ll see that at its core, acceptance is the teaching. Even now, I’m only giving you a small taste of the depth of the teaching of acceptance. Acceptance is multi-dimensional and has so many spaces to explore.
The deeper into acceptance you go the deeper into healing you go, the more unconditional your acceptance, the more unconditional your healing. If you’re a member of the PLT, please type the word “acceptance” into the library search bar to bring up these teachings – they are pure gold. It’s these simple treasures that hold the secrets to unlocking you from lifetimes worth of pain and suffering.
To help you understand more about acceptance, let me illustrate what acceptance is not. Sometimes it helps to see the opposite of something to make its definition clearer.
Acceptance is not wallowing in pain, it is not complacency, it is not condoning or permissioning more of the same. When you know how to work with and wield the tool of acceptance, it leads you to a sacred energy that I call DIVINE NUETRALITY, and divine neutrality discharges the things you don’t want and rematerializes that energy into a higher version of itself.
Recently, someone wrote me this comment on YouTube:
Watch my youtube channel here
It may be small to read but I wanted you to see the highlighted text which reads: “it feels like being here fully means getting stuck here permanently”
I replied and said “the opposite is true, it’s your resistance to being there fully that means getting stuck there permanently”
This is a corner stone teaching of my teachings – sit your bum down and be where you are so that you can move beyond where you are. Not wanting to be there, not wanting to feel, not wanting to see, not wanting to face … this is how you glue yourself to the same set of circumstances you can’t break free from.
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This is from Lisa S, one of our PLT members, she wrote this about sitting her bum down after listening to a recent call where I addressed this
from Lisa S:
Dear Kerry,
I felt compelled to send you a message to say how powerful the “sit your bum down” directive is. I had no idea.
…. I’ve known my entire life I came here to be the warrior. I used to fight my parents, my partners, my past, my future…even large corporations and the government. But S-I-T-T-I-N-G IN my fears of loss, abandonment, poverty…that’s a true warrior.
I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I don’t know if I’ll have friends, family, money, a home…but also…I know I will. It’s the HOW I don’t know. Or WHEN or WHERE.
I feel fear and uncertainty but also enthralled to have walked through all that I have the past ten or so days, only to realize that I was avoiding this moment for the past year. (Who am I kidding…lifetimes.)
Here I AM…sitting. Feeling. Holding it all in the aliveness of Now.
Thank you, Kerry. It’s a magical, teeming place to be.
See you on the other side.
Much love,
To Lisa and all of you spiritual warriors feeling what it feels like to
SIT YOUR BUM DOWN – In the Now you once avoided, and as you do:
I salute you
I honour you
I love you
I am with you
Listen to a guided meditation to help you sit your bum down
Kerry, oh, what we have been taught! A rewiring is needed for my brain to grasp this new world. I’m accepting the acceptance, and going to apply it. There seems to be something magical in, accepting the situations we’re in, fully, lessons to be learned. I was brought up in a Christian church, so much I have to let go of! But not Source(God). You’re a TREASURE!