Do You Believe in Yourself
These are the questions that I could ask you
• do you believe in karma
• do you believe the government has your best interests at heart
• do you believe your taxes are building roads and schools
• do you believe in past life regression
• do you believe in doctors
But there’s only one question that I’m really interested in and it’s this
Do you believe in yourself?
To all the other questions there may be a yes and no scenario for each, for example you may say well it depends on this or that. But do you believe in yourself, is a yes or a no question.
It’s so simple that most people will skim over the true meaning of what I’m saying so let me take you with me into the bounty of simplicity so you can see how far this amazing concept can take you.
Do you believe in yourself means
1. That you get to ask yourself if you are real. You can only believe in what is real, right? Most people have made their circumstances more real than themselves. In other words, most people spend their day focusing on things outside of them instead of them experiencing those things as themselves. And in that instance, you could say that most people believe in the external world but not themselves and therefore empower the external world and not themselves. This is why they begin to feel invisible and even meaningless.
Do you believe in yourself also means
2. That you get to ask yourself if you back yourself and trust in your competency and capabilities. Now we are going to tread some tricky waters so roll up the bottoms of your pants and come into the water with me – I’m not talking about what most people confuse self-belief to be which is “fake it till you make it”. In fact, I truly don’t advocate for ever faking it till you make it because that is a poor substitute for self-belief, and it WILL NOT teach you to believe in yourself! It will teach you to be a con, a fake, a phony and that the way to achieve things is to employ the methodology of pretence. This is the exact reason why so many people feel fraudulent and that they do not deserve success or accolades. They feel fraudulent because they’re faking their way to success. Once success is attained you do not automatically start believing in yourself, you simply get used to the feeling of pretence (fraudulence) and integrate it as a stepping stone to success. We are not used to upgrading ourselves and our beliefs so if we start out with pretence, we just normalize the pretence.
So, what could you do when you don’t actually know how to do something but you’re going to try anyway, especially if I’m saying that “fake it till you make it” is not the answer. I suggest honesty; absolute real, raw, honesty. The kind that gives you a lump in the back of your throat. It could look a little something like this:
In time, I’ll figure it out. I don’t need to know everything before I start but I know that I’ll learn along the way. I’m nervous but that won’t stop me, I’m going to keep going until the nervousness becomes excitement for all that I have accomplished. It’s ok to fumble and fall and feel foolish, those feelings pass quickly and, in their place, will be the resolve that comes from experience and accomplishment. I’m up to the task ahead of me, not because I know what to do but because I know who’s doing it. I don’t need to have the answers, I only need to have courage, and I do. I believe in me.
If you were the person thinking those thoughts, you would believe in yourself in a way that cultivates an authentic relationship with yourself and your capabilities. Then when you achieve things, it will be because you have self-belief.
If not, you’ll have self-doubt which is truly the opposite state to self-belief. When you achieve something based on a lie, you will always have self-doubt. So, if ever you wonder where your self-doubt stems from, look at the lies you inadvertently told yourself and acknowledge that you never believed them. That sets you up for honesty with self and then you can move into a new relationship with you.
Do you believe in yourself also means
3. That the answers will come even if they’re not present yet. It means that you trust that the answers will come from somewhere deep within you. You already are everything you need to be, and your higher self already exists. Your future self already exists, your ascended self already exists. Now is the time to draw on your inner wisdom. It’s a trust that says even if I don’t have the answers in my head, the answers exist within me, and they will surface as I go. Imagine walking through life not needing answers before you take the next step, but placing your foot where it falls because that was the step in front of you. That creates less hesitation and more trust in your inner guidance.
It fascinates me how many people debate beliefs when the only thing you need to believe in is you.
There is little room for “I’m trying to”. Get honest with yourself and say either:
I haven’t in the past, but I see that now which means I can transform that now
Or, I do
What self belief becomes:
When you don’t believe in yourself you always need a conspiracy to believe in, a fantasy to believe in, a hope to believe in but if you dare to, you could replace that with your sense of self. Ultimately that’s what belief in you becomes, it becomes your sense of self. Most people are missing a sense of self which is why they flounder and cling onto anything that sounds like it could give them stability.
When you believe in you, you connect to you.
Start today and go do some guided meditations, connect deeper than you ever have before and get a sense of yourself in the silence. In those moments you will be become real and that allows the illusion to be seen.
When you withdraw your attention from the illusion, finally you can see that which is true. The true you.
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With so much love…
From my heart to yours…
I do have sense of myself about my health. I want this to expand into the spiritual sense of myself. It is coming as I learn to trust who I am and what I allow myself to experience. I long too see further self development and become my furure self.