The Plasma Light Tribe

Nowadays there is no shortage of spiritual teachings, but instead of leading you to one unified truth, they seem to lead to confusion.
• who do you listen to and
• how do you know who’s right
• what if you’ve ignored the very teachings that will ascend you
• and instead, focused on the ones keeping you blissfully stuck
The truth is that 5D (higher consciousness) is literally in the air around you, and within you, yet most people can’t access it because they’re stuck in a false paradigm. Spirituality and religion are for those seeking God, but both have been infiltrated by misteaching’s and misgivings designed to prevent people from attaining true enlightenment and to keep them circling in a narrow bandwidth of frequencies that they cannot transcend. Often times people have supreme spiritual experiences without knowing that there is a ceiling on their experience and a whole world behind that “ceiling” that they cannot explore.

The solution
The solution is simple but not easy. Instead of listening to the teachings of others, listen to your own higher wisdom, it’s a direct pathway to God.
The difficulties are:
1) Learning to tell the difference between ego and the soul. Most people never wade beyond the mire of the ego and get ensnared in its ramblings, convinced that they’re hearing the voice of God.
2) Learning to grow through pain and suffering but not get stuck in it. The path of spirituality is about discharging pain and suffering, and while you’re at it asking yourself “how good can this actually get”.
3) Learning to access higher frequency states of being, which are so different to what conventional teachings teach us. Higher frequency states exist beyond words and audible sound and are states of pure consciousness, also known as pre-consciousness. This is when you’re at one with the heart-mind of God. To access these states takes training and practice.
• Training to break through the ceiling of the false matrix, even if it only exists in your mind. This involves guided journeys that take you beyond limitation and into your highest consciousness.
• Training by immersion into the living presence of higher frequency. This involves energetic techniques that I use to bring you into resonance with your higher light body.

Ascension and your plasma light body
But you’re reading this, because you don’t want to wait for that moment to experience the waves of universal consciousness that your soul is connected to, to wash through you and transform you into the light of your true self.
You’re reading this because you’re ready now. Ready to unravel the illusion and live your highest truth on planet earth. Ready to be the ripple that collapses the false matrix from within, which the mission we signed up for.
What you get as a member
✺ Invitations to weekly live calls
✺ 24/7 access to the zero point zone (energetically charged sacred space)
✺ Full library of all past calls
✺ A meditation library with dozens of free titles
✺ Exclusive discounts and special offers
✺ Receive information before everyone else and in richer detail
The Plasma Light Tribe…
Sign up for a monthly subscription
$33.00 per month
Sign up for an Annual subscription and save 14%
$340.56 per year
The Plasma Light Tribe is right for you if…
✅ You’re ready to take personal responsibility, even if you don’t know how, you know that this an important step in your personal awakening journey
✅ You want to know what it feels like to deeply connect with or embody your higher self
✅ You want to learn to trust your inner voice
✅ You’re ready to deepen your spiritual journey
✅ You’re ready to bust through the places you feel stuck and go beyond where you’ve ever been before
✅ You’re willing to see how good your life can get
✅ You’re wanting to move into deeper levels of authenticity, and you don’t mind being challenged to do so
✅ You consider yourself a spiritual warrior but you may need to learn to lay down the sword and engage with inner peace
✅ You’re finally learning that you can’t fight against the bad in the world, but you can be the change and you’re wanting to be that
✅ You want to be the ripple for your family and humanity
The Plasma Light Tribe is not right for you if…
❎ You need to blame someone or something for the state of your life or the world and you’re not willing to relinquish that blame
❎ You do not like feeling uncomfortable or being challenged
❎ You have to have all your questions answered
❎ Humble and authentic states of being are not enticing for you
❎ You want to teach but not learn
❎ You want others to agree with you or you want to agree with others, 100% of the time
❎ You know you’re spiritual bypassing and you prefer it
❎ You want to analyze everything including why you feel the way you do and what it means
❎ You like to maintain control, so what if it’s only an illusion, it keeps you safe and happy
❎ You’d rather have someone else tell you what to do rather than take the time to tune into your inner wisdom, that seems like a lot of work
What the members say
Frequently Asked Questions
Discord. You can join from the Members Area by clicking on the option to join our online chat group. You only need to do this once. Discord will automatically set you up with a user name and password, please do make note of it so that you can log in again. You can download the discord app to any device you have, however it is not supported on Safari so please use another browser for access.
SPECIAL NOTE: Please note that in our private chat group you are required to use the name and surname that you registered with when you join the Light Tribe. This way we can ensure that only members are able to participate in the chat.
What if I want to pay with a means other than PayPal?
My website only accepts payment via PayPal, if you would prefer another payment option then you can join using Patreon who will accept payment via visa and mastercard as well. Regardless of whether you join via Patreon or directly on my website, your membership grants you exactly the same benefits. Join via Patreon HERE
What time are the weekly calls?
Each week we change the call times in order to accommodate our global tribe who live in all time zones accross the world. The schedule is made available about 4 weeks ahead of time, so you can easily plan the calls you can attend, and watch the replays of the calls you can’t attend.
How does the Zero Point Zone Work
The Zero Point Zone is a 15th Dimensional uncorruptible space. It is self-regulating, self-fuelling and always in highest alignment. It is the epitome of sacred space. It is encoded with 15D frequency and set to always recalibrate itself to 15D. This means that no matter what you may be feeling, high or low, up or down, you may enter the ZPZ and know that you are not capable of “spilling” negative energy into the sacred space. It is a pure space and there is nothing else like it, it is therefore a palpable and powerful healing zone. Using the ZPZ will enable you to reach higher dimensional states. To use it, you simply click on the Zero Point Zone and close your eyes. Sit in stillness or meditate. The energy is calming, and neutral and will support you in relieving anxiety and calming the nervous system and allowing you to access a deeper level of wisdom while connecting to your higher consciousness.
Special Note: Don’t seek or ask questions. Try to just “be” in that space.
Will I be expected to be at the live calls?
What platform do you use for the live calls?
Zoom. If you have never used zoom before you are welcome to go to youtube and watch any number of demo video’s that will give you a beginners guide on how to use zoom. The platform is however very user friendly and requires no skills.
Where do I find the link to the live calls?
Will I be on camera?
No, only the speaker is on camera. However if you ask a question that gets answered or if you request a soul reading, then you will be required to turn your camera on and be on screen. Please note that everything is recorded and available publicly.
What else do I need to know about the live calls?
One hour before each friday live call, there is a separate group call for the light tribe to enjoy a general chat, on camera. This is to get to know each other and is not facilitated. Only attend if you’d like to meet other members of the tribe. I do not attend the pre call chat and will only be there at our designated time.
Find the link to the pre-call chat in the members area
A beautiful thing always happens in our live calls:
Because of the sanctity of our space, you land up hearing exact words that you needed to. Questions you have been holding will be answered without asking and messages you didn’t know you needed, will be delivered. Sometimes, attending a live call gives you more than you could ask for. Replays are always powerful, but a live call will give you a little extra.
Where do I find the library content
In the Members Area of my website in the “Quick Links” menu
What if I want to cancel my membership?
We reserve the right to change membership offerings from time to time