2025 A Higher Timeline
Complete with solar flares!
So many tried to prevent us from being on THIS 2025 higher timeline
It is being ushered in by solar flares, which is very unsurprising. In case you haven’t heard we’ve had quite a few solar flares in our recent entry to 2025 and this means that we have an influx of cosmic energy soaking into our atmosphere. More about the impact of solar flares here
According to the Archonic plans, in place for the entirety of the false matrix, this is what we were meant to be
- unable to access the higher light codes
- controlled by and answerable to fear
- confronting apocalyptic scenarios
- unable to read and assimilate the higher frequencies
- unable to be catalyzed by the incoming cosmic light
And yet – here we are doing the exact opposite. This is going to result in possibilities and opportunities in 2025 that were never going to be a part of our reality before.
The 2025 timeline was designed to be a timeline of deprivation and disaster for humanity, it was meant to be an utter worldwide doom and gloom scenario where the noose would be tightened and only get more constricted with each passing year until the dawn of 2030 by which time humanities sovereignty would be forever lost.
Not only is this not happening, the opposite is.
What is so important about this timeline?
The fact that what is unfolding is the opposite of what was intended.
This year holds possibilities of
- human sovereignty beginning
- a little more discernment
- abundance (including monetary but not limited to)
- disclosure (albeit that discernment will be well needed)
- liberation from old patterns
- lightness of energy
- insights and epiphanies as more wisdom comes online
- inner healing and medical breakthrough’s
- more abilities coming online (your inherent gifts you couldn’t access before)
- more compassion, forgiveness and love filtering into the collective (because those who already feel it will feel it in higher amplitude)
These are the things we once believed that we had to fight for. We were born to a slave mentality wherein you didn’t just get something, you truly had to work hard for it. Work is noble but slavery is an abomination. As the years went on and generations went by, the “work hard” ethic became a “fight hard” immorality.
Walk the higher timeline with me
Your ability to receive is now the determining factor. There is nothing to fight for, it is all here – but how much will you allow? Will you hold loyalty to the old story of victimhood, lack and limitation or will you let yourself enter a new paradigm now.
In this new paradigm the opposite of “fight for what you want” is upon us. Almost without warning and without the necessary time to develop the skills, we are thrust into an era wherein receptivity is key. If you’ve been around my teachings long enough, or you’re a member of the PLT, you’ll know that willingness is a powerful and easy way to open up your receptivity.
Here’s a little exercise
“I am willing to receive” … go ahead and try those words out by saying them silently and softly inside of you and notice what feeling those words elicit within you. …. whisper them inwardly now, not just as hollow words, but whisper the energy of your intention into those words … see? An openness starts to occur. That is called receptivity and that is one of the most important skills needed. I put up a YouTube video yesterday detailing a little bit more the needed skills we have to acquire in the 2025 timeline.
If you want to add to that sentence, you could say something like, I’m willing to receive my highest good, but don’t add too many limitations.
Radical Evolution
As we front run a higher timeline on this planet, we will be evolving at a pace never seen before. We have the potential to evolve at least 10 years in this single year, and for some it will be much more than 10. Now you have to ask yourself, how good can this get? How much can I grow? How much love can I withstand? Imagine what you would learn in 10 years and now compress that into 1.
The Plasma Light Tribe – How Good Can This Get?
Did you get cold feet?
We came into 1st January guns blazing and ready for action, but I get a sense that some lightworkers are getting cold feet. I remind you now that you did not imagine the energy – it is not too good to be true. You may feel that the timeline is more daunting than you imagined. Maybe you feel bone weary and just want to back off. Many people are in that space at the moment.
If that is you, go ahead and take a blind leap off the “edge” into 2025 because the timeline is literally a river of Gold. Also, because someone sent me this comment on YouTube just a few minutes ago, citing this Hopi wisdom:
Here is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid, who will try to hold on to the shore. They are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.
That is not for you, nor me. We are here to find out how good this can get so come and explore the higher 2025 timeline with me. Let go into the river of gold my love – your hand will be held.
from my heart to yours
Hello Kerry.
I join you from Nova Scotia, Canada. The first time I saw you was on Michael’s Inspiration Nation two weeks ago. Truly astounding I did not find you before, however, the connection to you and your message was instant and powerful; it was like “finding home”. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
I immediately signed up with the PLT, purchased Beyond Forgiveness, and listen to the recorded sessions daily. I feel so excited and grateful to be here, and I am totally committed to turn over every rock and rip off every bandaid to find my way back home.
I was getting tired before I found you and the PLT, but am now energized and ready to take on whatever shows up. A deeper level of understanding of true Acceptance has moved me into a better place. My left brain was running the show and I was not in the body for healing to occur.
Pretty sure I was a Cathar in a past life, and have been out of my body most of this lifetime. But, I’m back now baby! There is a resonance with the feeling that many former Cathars have returned for this “event”, and we are not only willing, but committed to taking it all the way home. Any thoughts?
Thank you for coming into my life and sharing your amazing gifts with humanity.
With love, from my heart all the way back to yours.
Hi Kerry,
I saw you on Michael’s Inspire Nation show. I was drawn to your energy and presence.
Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom!
I moved to the United States 33 years ago, yet as content I am with the simple life I’ve chosen for myself, there’s a deep void. I’m open to new doors and opportunities.
I’d like to join your community.
hi Teddy, where did you move to the US from? I am so glad that you can enjoy the simple life and yet still, I totally hear you on that sense of the “deep void”. I think that’s one of the most thrilling places to investigate, yet one of the least explored. To me, that deep void you experience is an invitation to go deeper into you and it’s going to call you relentlessly, until you answer. I’m not sure if you have joined the PLT yet, but if and when you do I’d be interested to hear about how that void feels after a few weeks.
With so much love
Kerry K
I saw you on Next Level Soul, and you spoke to me. Your energy of love is so sincere, that I’ve been a PLT member since 1 Nov 2024. But you are correct that I am tired, bone sore, and feel both heavy and light at the same time. I also feel your bubble around me, helping me to enter Into presence.
Thank you for sharing your love light!
Debbie Lisa
hello beautiful Debbie, so good to hear from you – let me know how you’re feeling now … is being a PLT member fueling you in some way? I hope it’s giving you more than you could dare to ask for. I totally hear you on that tiredness, I get it completely and from time to time I dip into it myself. It comes and goes (for me at least) and is very linked with the “old life” we were living and our attachment to it … in time, it will ease up. That tiredness is an invitation to keep letting go of the past by continually anchoring ourselves in the now.
Comment *Liebe Kerry,
Ich danke dir von Herzen. Ich sehe alle deine Videos, seit zwei Jahren. Und du “sprichst zu mir”. Du bist auch die einzige die ich mir angucke, oder höre.
Du machst so wichtige Arbeit, übersetzt uns diese seltsamen Energien. Und bestätigst immer wieder mein Gefühl wofür das alles gut ist.
Sei herzlich gegrüßt,
Dearest Iris, I am holding you in so much love xxx