From Guru to God
The pathway home
The Guru’s won’t tell you this, nor will the teachers and preachers. Maybe it’s not because they hold malicious intent, it’s possible that they themselves don’t even know.
I’m aware that even as I type this, there will be those who think they know what I’m about to say – but give me credit at least, for never being predictable.
The obvious knowledge is this: each human being is their own Guru – there are no more “middle-men” between us and God. But why were they there in the first place, and how do you know you are walking the path of direct alignment?
The role of Guru’s, teachers, preachers, and reachers, was to hold open a pathway to God for humanity to traverse.
- They’re not the enemy
- They’re not the bad guy
- They were doing something for humanity that humanity wasn’t yet able to do for themselves
Each human being is here to walk their own pathway home but how could we do that when we were disconnected from our original home. The answer is simple – we couldn’t. At least not until the beginning of a new era in 2012.
The harsh truth is this:
- We were severed at the crown chakra, upon birth into the false matrix
- This disconnected us from our higher self, the original pathway out of the false matrix
- With this disconnection in place, we lost touch with our wisdom and our divinity
- We were separate from ourselves, and divinity
- We lost the power to reach beyond the walls of the false matrix
needless to say, we became:
- Unsure of ourselves
- Riddled with self-doubt
- Eager to have someone else lead us back home because we had lost sight of the path
It stands to reason then, that we turned to those who we perceived to be “holier” than ourselves to guard our pathway home
What a tremendous service this was from those who facilitated it, to keep the pathway in view whilst humanity stumbled in the dark.
But that service is no longer required, in fact the “guru” role has been transferred to each individual to become the rightful custodian of. We can now reach God directly, with gratitude to those who held the pathway for us while we could not, it’s now time to blaze a new trail and light up the collective. This is done by stepping into more alignment, which means more integrity, more personal responsibility. Those who begin to walk their own pathway home have one thing in common – they are leading themselves home and when they do, they send out a ripple of activation that infuses others with inspiration to do the same.
Journey Home with Kerry K and the Plasma Light Tribe
What is the pathway home?
It’s what many people refer to as Christ Consciousness. Others will call it kundalini. It’s the opening of your inner stargate which lights up your connection to your multi-dimensional self that you once lost contact with.
The pathway of Christ Consciousness is an alignment that starts at the root chakra and extends up through the crown. It reconnects all that was once broken and severed and restores our connection to our divine role as bearers of cosmic consciousness, in human form.
Kundalini consciousness is very much the same thing, of course it was perverted by the false matrix spirituality and presented as a sexual energy which is a ploy to keep that energy locked in the base chakra and never to allow it to rise up into unconditional love (heart chakra) and unconditional wisdom (crown chakra).
The pathway home is a frequency of truth that lights up an exit route from the false matrix as it establishes true reunion with our pathway back to God.
Free video on the kundalini and pathway home
Shooting the messenger
It sometimes happens that the ones who served humanity the most, become vilified when their role is redundant. You do not have to fight a guru or a preacher for your right to connect with God directly, you just have to connect with God directly, peacefully and beautifully. Honor the ones who made it possible but don’t blame them for their role. Thank them for doing it while we could not. They were messenger of divinity while we were shut off and unable to retrieve those signals.
We have a mentality of wanting to fight for the things we already have. Just have the direct connection. Accept it and you won’t be inclined to hold ill will toward those who might still not have realized that humanity is more than capable of finding their own way now. Maybe it’s our turn to serve those who loyally held their post for so long. How can we serve them? By being a living example of what humanity can now do for themselves.
Access the PLT library – access your higher alignment
Where is the confusion?
By now, there will be some points of clarity for you and at least one point of confusion. Here’s where I find most people get confused, I’ve heard it many times and watched a lot of stumbling, tumbling and falling around this issue.
When I say to you that each human being is now capable of their own direct alignment to home / God / Source – that does not mean that each human being is instantly equipped with all the knowledge they need to walk the path home. The role of a spiritual teacher is bigger than ever before but so different, that it’s almost unrecognizable and unthinkably different.
I’ll speak for myself here, as I describe my role to you:
It is my role to reach my own personal highest alignment on a daily basis, whilst being as authentically human as I can be. That means I reach high into the heavens to access and embody higher light, whilst being so very Kerry, so very human, which is a humbling journey of authenticity. In a sense I’m reaching the highest heights and lowest lows, at the same time – thus enacting alchemy. In doing this I become a beacon of what’s possible, and an example for others of how to do the same for themselves.
Yes, the pathway home is yours to walk and no, I cannot walk the path for anyone else but I can walk my path as loudly, brightly and boldly as I can so that others speed up, and are sped up.
This continual acceleration leads me to feel like I’m bungee jumping most days, but it allows me to blaze a trail of light that entices others to do the same, knowing that they are trail blazing for others.
My light ripples upon this planet, as I planned before my birth. This light offers guidance, support and reassurance to others walking the same path and allows them a means of acceleration. In the end, we’re all going to get to ascension, but will we float in with a smile of ease or tumble in with cuts and bruises. This all depends on how quickly and seamlessly we can alight our individual paths. Will we allow ourselves to fulfil our highest potential which is to shine our light so brightly that others feel free and safe to do the same.
Recently a member of the Plasma Light Tribe sent me a DM asking me to offer my advice and insight on another teacher. I never answered. This member has been a member of the Tribe for plenty long enough to know my answer – you are your own teacher, stop listening to others, feel the truth for yourself.
She messaged me back a few minutes later to say thank you – she felt the redirect and got her own wisdom out of it. This is the difference between telling someone how to do it and reminding them that they already know. She has the tools because she’s been a tribe member for so long and when you feel called to join the PLT you’ll have access to the same. We have an online library which you can start watching today, so if being your own pathway back home is what you feel you were born for, then allow me to support your journey. You don’t need to know the answers, you only need to be willing to receive them.
Join The Plasma Light Tribe – come home to you
from my heart to yours