Handling Overwhelm
When you’re in overwhelm it’s time to slow down but a lot of people make this mistake instead:
P o w e r i n g T h r o u g h
This can cause the most damage. Far more severe than the overwhelm itself – is the potential damage caused by how the overwhelm is dealt with. Yes, there’s a time when you might just have to cope and power through, this should never be anything more than a few days though. I’m seeing people live in this mode for years and wondering why they’re feeling so lost and stuck and tired. It’s time for healing now.
What causes overwhelm?
Usually, it’s not just one thing but a set of a circumstances where you feel that there is simply too much to cope with at the emotional level. This is where a lot of people start overthinking. Instead of processing the energy and emotion of where they are, they turn those feelings into thoughts and attempt to think their way through it. This is not possible, and no amount of analysis can result in healing (even if you think your way into another Galaxy and back again).
Healing is defined by the discharging of density, that is to say, the dissolving of the actual energy or emotion, that caused the overwhelm. To do this, you have to be outside of the mental realm and inside the energetic realm where you can feel what caused you to jump up into your headspace and get stuck in fight-flight (survival mode).
Overwhelm comes from overthinking, and overthinking comes from an inability to process an energy (emotion) at the energetic (emotional) level. Yes you can be emotionally overwhelmed but that is pretty easy to resolve because that requires you to be with what you feel to allow the discharge to happen. It’s very doable, even natural. Mental overwhelm (which is what most people suffer from) is from the inability to resolve emotions and to move those emotions into the mental plane in an attempt to heal/resolve them.
I’ll start with the solution and end with the problem that prevents people from reaching the solution, so that you’re equipped to miss those pitfalls. The false matrix is a mental realm designed to keep people in it, so most of our self-help tools are nothing more than advanced techniques to stay in the mental realm, but to circle it, this often results in a perspective shift but you’re still in the same place having the illusion of healing and wondering why the same things keep coming back again (and again).
I’m not saying that what we’ve been taught is ineffective … oh wait, actually I am … sometimes I try to be too polite, but honesty is worth speaking bluntly.
I’m saying that because I’ve been in a human body for many years. I’ve also tried the methods of positive thinking, I’ve also felt stuck and lost and overwhelmed and desperate for answers. I’ve tried the methods of analyzing and understanding issues with a psychologist, a singing-bowl-crystal-essence-moon-chanting-incense-lighting therapist (ok more than one … more like 20), reiki, breathwork (this was actually the most effective), chanting, altered states of consciousness, and on and on the list goes.
But Kerry how can you say this stuff doesn’t work? I guess it depends on what you call working. Most of these methods are going to allow you to face another direction inside the very same mental prison you were born to, and that can help, it can give you another vantage point which is great. But I’m more for getting out of the mental prison entirely.
That mental prison is called the false matrix and trying to heal inside the mental prison is like trying to stop drowning while remaining in the water. Yes, you can get your head up from the water and breathe again, but you actually need a safe space to expel the water you took in. You need to get your body into a different space to heal, in this case it would be dry land, otherwise you’re going to get overwhelmed and exhausted and dip under water again.
Remember that the remarkable thing about the mental prison of the false matrix is that you will never see the bars or realize you’re in it. You’ll argue that you’re free and connected and available to the universe and seeing all of life for all it is without ever noticing that there is an entire universe beyond the one you can see. That’s the nature of the false matrix, it’s invisible initially but once you start to feel your way through the walls you open up portals and entrance ways into another realm. The realm accessed by emotional consciousness, allows you access to the energetic realm which is the realm of the true universe (God’s creation).
So, what is the simple solution here?
The solution:
Slow down so that you can feel and get out of the headspace of the mental prison (I’ll expand on that more below)
The problem:
Powering through the situation. This requires a continual acceleration of mental fortitude to override what you feel. That leads to the degradation of peace, harmony and sanity and creates an eventuality of more and more mental fog, fatigue and overwhelm. Basically, you’ll eventually get into a frenetic panic filled energy from all the overthinking. You would be overriding the cues to enter the energy realm, convinced that the safe place to be is in the mental realm. The logic is that if you just think hard enough for long enough, you’ll find a solution.
What is the energy realm?
Pure consciousness is energy, the universe that exists outside of the false matrix – is energy, in fact almost everything outside of the false matrix is energy. Wisdom, heart consciousness, God, your higher self – it’s all the energy realm. You’re a physical being who is meant to be interacting with the energetic realm to bring it into physical presence.
Instead, we were ushered into the false matrix and inadvertently landed up bringing the mental realm into physical presence. When the mental realm exists without counterbalance (energy) then it becomes illusion and delusion. So put this another way – we, here in the false matrix, are bringing illusion into physicality instead of bringing higher consciousness (energy) into physicality.
Why should you slow down when everything inside of you is telling you to speed up?
In times of overwhelm a person tends to head in the opposite direction of healing. If healing requires slowing down, then why speed up and try to push through?
When we undergo a shock, trauma, heartache, emotional pain it can feel life threatening and trigger a fight-flight, or survival mode to set in. That’s the equivalent of feeling like a great tiger is chasing you. Adrenaline pulses, hyper vigilance sets in, and everything tells you that to survive you need to run.
But there is no tiger chasing you, it’s a feeling that has you on high alert and it feels like your very presence is threatened.
When being chased by a tiger … you’ll quickly get tired, and your instincts will tell you to climb a tree. To be honest that’s not the safest place because tigers are good climbers but when you’re tired, you’ll need a hiding spot.
Now in this case because there is no literal tiger, just a feeling, climbing a tree is useless so instead we climb up into our mind and try to think through where we are. That is the equivalent of staying in the tree and not coming down until it’s safe to do so.
The only problem is, once we are adrenalized, we think we NEED to stay in that tree to survive so we don’t get the memo that a tiger really isn’t chasing us, and it’s safe to come down, get into a calm space and emotionally process what happened so that you heal.
this is what is needed to heal:
- get out of fight flight / survival mode
- get out of denial and distraction (mental realm)
- get into a safe and calm space so that you can shift out of the mental realm into the energy realm (head to heart)
- anchor into a higher frequency that exists beyond the panic / turmoil / overwhelm
- slow down so that you can be in the moment, get real, meet yourself
- when you’re in overwhelm you’re in overdrive and charging forward into the future, you need to stop and get present
but none of this possible if you don’t feel safe
A person in overwhelm will be convinced that
- they’re too busy to stop
- nothing will work because they’ve already tried everything
- there’s too much to deal with so don’t even start
- they have no choice, no other option
- they simply have to carry on or fall over
they don’t realize it, but they’re still being chased by the proverbial tiger and hiding in the tree whilst trying to manage their rising cortisol and having strange stress related symptoms.
The deepest realization you can have is that running away is harder than facing what you need to. So, connection is easier than avoidance, healing is easier than denial. It may just be that you need a little support in slowing down into a safe space where you can be held and loved.
I think that’s what most people are missing – a sense of feeling safe in this world.
Emotionally safe, that is.
Once you identify that, you have taken the first step towards healing it
- come join the plasma light tribe this is where I spend time with you every single week (don’t worry all calls are recorded so you can watch as many replays as you like, as often as you like) and walk with you through the art of alchemy. Alchemy is the discharging of density and transmutation of it into higher frequency. We also focus not just on these higher states of consciousness, but also on learning how to integrate them your everyday life where they must be applicable and practical. Spirituality that is airy-fairy and up in the clouds is not something I can relate to. Give me something real and applicable and I’m all ears, that’s the only way I can learn and therefore, the only way I can teach.
- go do a guided meditation and let your intuition guide you to which one is calling you
- get one on one support don’t be shy and don’t hold back, if you feel called to explore a more personal level of support then hit this option
Contrary to what most people believe, finding the answers in your head is not where healing lies, it creates more overwhelm.
Overwhelm itself is the overwhelm of mental processing.
What alleviates it is shifting out of the mental realm, into the energetic realm. Healing lies in your ability to connect with what you feel in a safe space, I call that space sacred neutrality, and it’s supremely powerful find out more about sacred neutrality here
Let your intuition guide you to the right meditation
With so much love…
From my heart to yours…
LOVE LOVE LOVE your analogies!!
YES, healing/peace can ONLY happen in the heart by the heart’s ability to feel the stuck, oogly feelings by letting them Be there so as to be Able to be felt.
“Mind, mind go away!
Stay gone ’til Heart says time to play!”
This article is absolutely on point and exquisitely perfect for me to read in this timing as I completely relate to the feeling of overwhelm! Thanks Kerry! 🩷
I’m with you, Kerry. It has to be real and applicable for me to resonate with it, to be in energetic alignment with it. Too much, coming from “out there”…where it feels not authentic to our earthly embodiment, nor practical to our own ascension and connection to our divine consciousness.
~ Laura 💗