Sacred Sacrum

(11 customer reviews)


The Sacral chakra is so misunderstood and overlooked for it’s profound importance to our ascension journey. The sacrum is the holy place, the sacred place of our physical vessel. This is the seat of our authentic selves, our creative selves, our free selves, our uninhibited, unlimited, expressive, open selves.

When we bottle emotions, we clog the sacrum with negativity and stagnancy, we lose touch with our creativity (both artistic and manifesting) we experience feelings of being stuck, trapped, unable to find clarity and locked into addictions and cravings. It is a depressive state and without clearing out the sacrum we can lose connection with our joyful divine selves easily, thankfully, we can just as easily gain access to our inner sanctuary and light our inner fire once again.

No wonder the sacrum is sacred, this is just the tip of the iceberg of information about the sacrum. Join me for this exquisite journey to your own inner sanctuary.



11 reviews for Sacred Sacrum

  1. Eva (say ava) B (verified owner)

    Oh… Just oh!!!
    This is SUCH a VITAL meditation, family!!!!!!SUCH BLESSING!!!
    FULLNESS, WARM LIVING HONEY COMFORT and STILLNESS, TRUST, CONNECTION,BEINGNESS!!! Amaaaazingly healing!!! On the physical level: i was having strong belly aches before and now i just AM WHOLE and PAIN FREE🥲
    Eva, say ava, Belgium 🦋

  2. Kristien (verified owner)

    What a powerful meditations! Days after doing it, I was still releasing emotional bagage. For me this was a game changer and I try to so this meditation at least once a week.

  3. Karlie Rasenberger (verified owner)

    Thank you so much for this powerful meditation! It is different from the Sacred Sacrum meditation in the “New Human” set. I highly recommend this one as well. Thanks a lot <3

  4. Mel (verified owner)

    This is a beautiful meditation, I love it. The past couple of times I’ve done this meditation (I do it lying on my yoga mat) my kitty has started curling up on my belly, he loves it too. Thank you Kerry for the gift of this wonderful meditation. This will be a regular for me!!!!

  5. Sharon Beffa (verified owner)

    Sacred Sacrum is a very special meditation that flows with grace and light to release emotional clutter effortlessly. It creates space for expanded creativity and new thoughts.

  6. Caroline Coles (verified owner)

    This was my first meditation with Kerry as facilitator, and certainly won’t be my last. Words simply don’t describe the effect or feelings I experienced – simply a big wow! SO much release. I was moved to tears, then elation, as I realised just how much ‘junk’ I have been carrying and was able to let go of. And no doubt there is more, so shall be redoing this meditation again…. and again.

    As someone who tends to observe on the sidelines, listen and then maybe, react, I was so very moved by you and the way that you delivered this. Thank you, Kerry, for creating this truly beautiful, powerful and personal experience for me. Much love. X

  7. ryannickyaustin (verified owner)

    During this meditation I released so much through my sacral chakra. The first time I did this meditation Ireleased what looked like, children’s building blocks with different pictures on it.
    I then had an extended stomach for several days, releasing more ‘stuff’ which I did not know I held.

    Second time, I first of all released, what looked like, children’s different coloured chewing gum in a tube, then a stream of darker energy, like mud, was flowing from my sacral..

    Without analysing too much, although i thought I had released my childhood stuff through therapies etc, it must have gone from my mind, to heart, and got stuck in my sacral.
    I have had a huge rumbling in my stomach for two years, with has now gone to a murmur.
    Next time I will do this meditation, it will go into silence I am sure!

    Thank you Kerry, thank you Gaia ,for allowing to take this mud and release it into pure white light and thank you Universe for giving permission to transmute this.

  8. Morse (verified owner)

    Thank you again for the INcredible opportunity and Gift this Meditation Experience was Kerry!!! I felt SO much Lighter,Freer,Pain-FREE even and AMAZING immediately afterward,for quite a few hours,actually,then by evening,I could barely move,from such lower back pain and stiffness!!! Just for Clarity,however,I DID prefer the former to the latter…much,MUCH MORE!!! haha! <3 ~ ~ ~…

  9. Kerry Chu (verified owner)

    I got the copy of the Sacred Sacrum meditation as I hadn’t been able to join in live. It was a lovely gentle meditation.
    Listened to it twice now, and both times body processing a lot on the lower energy centres so fell into sleep mode for a few good minutes then got back up. There’s a lot of movements and shifting in energies. Feel lighter overall and assisted me to bring my mental and physical body back into balance faster too. Beautiful. Will listen from time to time again. Love it! With gratitude and infinite boundless joy and bliss <3 🙂

  10. Linda (verified owner)

    Excellent Meditation, I really enjoyed it. My whole body felt lighter afterwards and so peaceful

  11. Lola du Plessis (verified owner)

    Wow, wow,, wow! This was just awesome. Just love the experience to be able to create fully. To be cleared of emotional clutter.
    Thanking you Kerry.

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