Terms and Conditions
All Kerry K facilitator accredited services and communication, email or otherwise, as well as information set forth on this website (kerryk.com) are meant to support your personal development. However, facilitators are not medical professionals and do not make medical claims.
In that spirit, by purchasing personal energetic facilitation services, you confirm that you have read and agree to each statement and that you wish to proceed:
• I understand that SEA Sessions are energetic support services whereby I connect to the energetic transmission by intention and not by direct interaction with the facilitator.
• I understand that the personal energetic support services I will be receiving from the facilitator are not offered as a substitute for professional health care services and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical conditions. I also understand that facilitators are not acting as medical professionals.
• I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during my personal energetic facilitated sessions, and subsequently, including my choices and decisions.
• I understand my facilitator is not promising outcomes.
• I understand that my facilitator will protect my information with full confidentiality.
• I understand that the use of technology is not always secure, and I accept the risks of confidentiality in the use of email, text, phone, and other technology.
• I hereby release, waive, acquit and forever discharge my facilitator, any agents, successors, assigns, personal representatives, executors, heirs and employees from every claim, suit action, demand or right to compensation for damages I may claim to have or that I may have arising out of acts or omissions by myself or by my facilitator as a result of the advice given by my facilitator or otherwise resulting from the personal development relationship contemplated by this agreement. I further declare and represent that no promise, inducement, or agreement not expressed in this agreement has been made to me to sign this agreement. This agreement shall bind my heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors, assigns, and agents.
Refund Policy
I Agree
Bianca (verified owner) –
This was a wonderful experience . I was going into the SEA last Saturday with curiosity and excitement . I was also in an expectation mindset and was hoping for sensations that are more like usual when I meditate … but that was of course an Ego issue . Since Saturday I have an extremely high level of creativity and I can stay longer and longer with my Self in meditation 😀 I am very grateful for you and your wonderful Energy Jackie . Thank you!
Nathalie Gruenbauer (verified owner) –
Liebe Jackie,
ich habe gestern den wundervollsten Geburtstag erlebt, den ich je hatte, weil er mit eine SEA Session mit dir begonnen hat. Ich habe mich in dem Raum, den du mir gehalten hast, den ganzen Tag mit meinem wahren Selbst auf der höchsten Ebene und der Unendlichkeit verbunden und gehalten gefühlt. Mein Umfeld war auch in totaler Harmonie durch diese Ausstrahlung.
Ich danke dir aus tiefstem Herzen für diese Erfahrung!
Ich habe diesen Zustand noch nie so lange Zeit am Stück gefühlt gehabt.
Es hat auch einen Transformationsprozess in mir ausgelöst und es wird gerade Einiges alchemisiert.
Ich habe heute extrem Heimweh nach der Unendlichkeit 💫 und ich bin traurig, daß ich noch nicht selber die ganze Zeit diesen Raum erreichen kann.
Ich werde sicher nochmal SEA Sessions buchen und dabei lernen selber im länger unendliche Liebe aufzunehmen und zu halten..
In unendlicher Liebe danke ich dir liebe Jackie,
Sonja (verified owner) –
Dear Jackie this was so wonderful, I lay down and had strong and cosy sensations and felt held in a cocoon like a baby. There must have been a grounding- as if someone was energizing my feet…sending lots of love, Sonja