This May Not Be Exhaustion

  if you’re tired, drained, and lacking energy

Maybe it’s not exhaustion, here’s why …


So many people are feeling so tired that the word tired doesn’t quite cover it. I keep hearing in my comments section, “Kerry, I’m too exhausted to go on”. These people are describing a deep and pervasive tiredness, the likes of which make your bones ache.

We are being unceremoniously booted from an old world called the false matrix. We have not yet fully shifted into the new world that will accommodate us after ascension.

We are now somewhere between two realities, with the old not yet being completely over and the new not having fully taken form yet.

Whilst the new is available we still need to acclimate to it and integrate it more fully before we can say that we are fully immersed in it. The old is collapsing but it was “home” for so long. Letting go of the familiar comfort of the uncomfortable limitation we once called “the real world”, is what we are currently doing.

We will take a very long time to terms with the fact that none of the “normal world” was ever normal, and none of the “real world” was ever real.

We were participants in a syphoning program established to diminish humanity by separating them from their true form and essence, all whilst being drained of their life force in order to perpetuate a false reality that fed archons and others of nefarious intentions. In time we will see more and more of the truth of where we lived and continue to be shocked by the revelations.

What your eyes see versus what your heart knows:

Everything that belonged to the old world and felt normal there, no longer feels normal anymore because you are not fully in the old world anymore. The old world (the false matrix) is collapsing whilst all the buildings still stand – talk about a surreal experience. If only what your eyes saw matched the reflection of the inner world where this collapse is well underway. Having said that, don’t wait for your eyes to see it because the external world is not meant to validate the inner world, when it does then the external world is creating your reality instead of you.

Part of the breaking free from the false matrix is no longer being in the position where the external tells you what to think and feel, rather, learning to tune in to your inner world where true reality is created from. If you don’t create from the inside out, then the outside is creating the inner world and that leaves you powerless.


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The false self for a false matrix:

In the false matrix, the false self was your dominant persona, it’s how you knew yourself and who you knew yourself to be. You even claimed it and defended it, and that’s ok, we were meant to.

The false self is also known as the ego. It does not mean you were false, as in pretentious, but rather false as in, unplugged from the miraculous infinite cosmic truth of who you are really are. The false-self believed in things like hardship and limitation, lack and punishment, blame and struggle.

Why the true self was disconnected:

The true self can witness those things but will not perpetuate them by becoming entangled with them. The true self simply does not entangle itself with energies that are not in alignment with it. That’s why (from the archonic perspective) it was essential that our connection to the true self be severed, otherwise this experiment with the false matrix would never have been possible. We came to this matrix to return it back to the organic universe but to do this, we have to align with the true self whilst living in a false reality.

Whew! Quite the tall order.

We did it because we knew we could and we also knew that the connection to the true self could not be entirely severed, only temporarily disengaged.

In the false matrix being disengaged was normal.

Instead of plugging into the organic universe where the true self resides, we plugged into the false matrix where the false-self resides.

Nothing gave us a hint that there was anything amiss until 2012 when slowly but surely, lightworkers across the planet began to undergo spiritual awakening.

With each awakening human, they lit the path for multiple others to follow. In time, through our awakening we began to restore some of the connection to the true self, just enough to start to crumble the fabric of the false paradigm we lived in. The consequence of engaging to the true self is the alchemical dissolving of the false self and the false reality it was unconsciously perpetuating.

We can no longer pretend:

Now, we can no longer pretend that being drained in order to feed the system of the false matrix, is normal or even viable. We are rapidly reaching a place where we can no longer continue. This is what is happening to people who exclaim that they’re bone tired and can’t carry on. What they’re saying is “I can’t carry on in the false matrix anymore, it’s too draining – but I haven’t consciously evolved enough to engage with my true self so I’m caught in limbo”. Ok, they’re not using those exact words, but how can they when they don’t understand why they’re feeling this drained. If energy could speak, those are the words it would use.

What we are experiencing now is not tiredness, it’s truth. It’s coming to terms with how enslaved we were, how much of our life force was kept separate from us, how we were being manipulated by a corrupt and crumbling world or archons, from whom we are starting to take our power back. What we are experiencing is the realization of how very drained we were.  We have a lot of truth to come to terms with and the process of letting go of a reality we once attached ourselves to, is going to demand a lot from us.

And, what’s more, the false matrix is draining us now more than ever before because it’s getting smaller and smaller and yet, feeds the same amount of archons. This means the number of archons (these are demonic beings) has not decreased, but what they have to fed on, has. They’re requiring more sustenance now because their world is collapsing. They feed on energy, specifically the energy of misery and suffering. I made a video about them some time ago and you’ll find it here. Some people are very firmly invested in the suffering of the false matrix, this is why I’ve repeatedly cautioned people to get out of victimhood and misery because it glues them to the false matrix where they are going to be syphoned from even more.


The Plasma Light Tribe has space for you – NOW


Please don’t save them:

The more you engage with the true reality that is coming in, by default the more you unplug from the false matrix. This unplugging from the false matrix means fewer and fewer people will stay there, those who are deeply loyal to their misery will find themselves more attached to the false matrix and consequently more drained. Being drained and depleted is going to give them a push towards making a change for themselves. You aid no one by staying in the false matrix, you only serve them by exiting and leaving a trail of light for them to follow in their time. And they will, but not because someone saved them, rather because someone allowed them to save themselves by blazing a trail to light.

That is the path to Christhood within, it’s a path of self-leadership and requires each person to walk the path of love and light back to their true self. The time we are in now, at this great shift of the ages, is the time of the inner Christ coming online. We are the second coming of Christ, returning not as one person, but as many millions who choose to be the love, personal responsibility and higher consciousness of that path. Christhood is a pathway back to the source we originated from. By trying to save others, we diminish their power by affirming their inability to make choice for themselves. Be the choice, be the love, be the path.

By now, hopefully you understand that what people are calling tiredness, is the crumbling of an old system that they once sustained but no longer can. It’s the coming to terms with all of that, the realizations and the inner reeling that’s causing this feeling.  It’s the part of us that will inadvertently cling to the past only because it’s familiar.

There is an inner calling to higher consciousness and a beckoning to engage with the new, now.

I was born for this time:

I was born to teach at this time and as a teacher of the path back to the inner Christ within I can assure you that this is not going to happen in 1 minute, or even 10.


Because if it did, based on our current wiring, it would short circuit our very life force and terminate our existence. This must be a gradual journey, but even though it’s gradual, it’s still quantum. The journey takes your devotion to your higher truth and each week, in increments I share time and space and energy with the Plasma Light Tribe which is the group of online lightworkers that I teach. Join the Plasma Light Tribe and access the full library of content.  My teachings will guide you towards your gifts of alchemy, healing and higher consciousness.  In turn, this allows you to more rapidly establish yourself in the new, regain your energy and triumphantly say goodbye to the old. The more you do this, the less tired and more energized you will be. There will still be bouts of the old tiredness, but once you become actively devoted to your higher alignment, those bouts will always be temporary and will give way to more alignment with the true self, aligned to the true universe, where your life force already is.





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Kerry K



From my heart to yours