One Thing Spiritual People Keep Getting Wrong

OMG this causes so much confusion

but it’s a paradigm shift once you get it!


I frequently speak about the enormous power of

being where you are


sitting your bum down into whatever is coming up for you

and this causes confusion because … well, the spiritual community is confused. Confusion is a mental process that occurs when you have conflicting information and THAT’S THE FREAKING PROBLEM right there!

No, I’m not shouting at you, I’m just super passionate about this so let me share something with you that could change your life.

By the way, when you see me type in capital or bold letters, those are the places where I’m emphatic and if you’ve ever watched me speak in a live call you’ll have a great visual to put to those capital letters as my hands fly and I start bobbing up and down in my chair.

Spirituality was hijacked along with the false matrix. Of course it was! How could there be a false matrix and some area of it, lets say spirituality, magically unaffected by it. No, everything we experienced here was part of an inverted (false) matrix which was a mental prison. Hence confusion being so rampant. When you over process at the mental level you’re going to get confused!

What is a matrix?

A matrix is quite simply a reality field, and there are plenty of them. We enter different matrices to gain different experiences. There aren’t that many false matrices and the experience here is not something everyone will want, and certainly not something everyone can do. It takes a very special kind of crazy to come here and that’s why we’ve connected!


Hello crazy one! I’m Kerry K, great to connect.


Our “craziness” is that we knew what we were electing to undergo when we came in here, and that was a total disconnection to the authentic-self and the organic matrix (aka the divine matrix). We were going to enter a field of reality devoid of connection to the multi-dimensional, infinite, all knowing soul self and experience a very dilute version of self that we would imagine is the totality of who we are.

We’d be so convinced of this that we’d be offended at the prospect of someone saying that when we were connecting to God, to self, to the Universe, that we were in fact connecting to a tiny trickle of those energies.

Quite frankly, I find that exhilarating although I’ve come across quite a few people that are offended at the notion that they’re not in full connection to God when they believe they are. It’s exhilarating to me because I think to myself “wow! if this feels so expansive and nurturing at this level, what must it feel like when I am fully connected … woohooo bring it on!”

And truthfully, we weren’t crazy at all! We did this because we knew that we could. We were highly qualified for the “job” of experiencing a loss of connection to self, because we were already masters and all we needed to do was rekindle the connection. That’s what I’m doing here – reminding you of who you already are and helping you to reconnect.




now back to that spiritual conundrum that confounds so many people

Confusion itself is indicative of

  • spending too much time thinking
  • too much time in the mental realm
  • too much time in the false matrix which is a phase locked prison that allows us access to our mental body and locks us out of everything else.


I’m like a broken record, most Fridays when I address the PLT I remind them in some way or another SPIRITUALITY IS NOT IN YOUR HEAD and YOU CANNOT EVOLVE IN YOUR BRAIN.

You CAN get out of the mental prison now and you CAN experience reality at a truly dynamic level where

  • you will FEEL the divine stillness of connection and presence and how it expands you
  • and how it alchemizes density for you and brings you into higher alignment


Hence me saying things like:


Those prone to trying to doing spirituality in the head, get confused at this point because it’s here that the programing of the false matrix tells them that they’re being lazy and that they have to do something to fix their lives. They can’t just sit down, that’s apathy and nothing is going to change if they’re not making a change.





Watch this video where I talk about the hijacking of spirituality and why so many people experience so much confusion


Maybe you need a guided meditation today?


Words have a way of sounding good but locking you into the false matrix if you don’t feel the truth (or lack thereof) behind them. It sounds great to say “if I don’t change nothing will” and it sounds good to say “I’m creating my reality” but these are tools of the prison masters of the false matrix because they bind humanity into the mental plane, trying to dig a way out of a jail they can’t see and enter a world beyond that jail that they can’t even tune into.

The art of presence, connection and stillness is GETTING OUT OF THE THINKING MIND and into the FEELING HEART where you can EXPERIENCE LIFE and not think it.

When you drop into experience and out of analysis there is nothing to do, there is only enlightenment to accept and allow. That’s what enlightenment is, it’s a field of energy that you get to engage with fully, completely and whole heartedly. Being present and “sitting your bum down” as I like to say, is not apathy – it’s incredibly challenging because it means FACING YOURSELF and not running.

When you FACE and CONNECT you dissolve and resolve your affiliation to the mental prison.

You cannot get out of the mental prison by thought. You can only feel your way out. It’s incredibly simple. But if you overthink it you’re lost and you’re going to imagine that you’re being lazy.

The courage to connect to yourself requires you to

  • surrender thoughts and mental control/mental directorship
  • get real
  • feel into the realm of energy, feelings and experiences that exist outside of the mind
  • be totally raw
  • authentic
  • timeless (present in the now)
  • available to the moment



book a private session if you need 1:1 attention


It boils down to this

Someone told us that we need to direct reality. But when you tell a prisoner of the false matrix to direct their reality, they’re going to do it from the only place they have access to and that is the mind. When you try to direct reality from the false matrix, you are essentially trying to direct a false reality. You FIRST need to exit the false matrix and that takes

  • presence
  • connection and
  • stillness


and then, you can experience yourself fully, authentically and beyond the mental plane

and when you experience yourself, you realize that there is a fundamental difference between you and your reality


you were trying to change your reality
but, I’m asking you to change you


we were all conditioned to believe that


if our external reality was better that we’d be better
the truth is you don’t change reality externally, only internally


so whilst we can hear words that say “if you change nothing, nothing changes” those words don’t mean that you must change at the level of “doing” or at the level of the external but rather, at the level of the internal which is another kind of doing entirely. It’s a conscious engagement, and a conscious reconnection that allows the inner shifts to take place.

Change you by connecting to you in a new way, that is in a state of surrender, deep connection, divine stillness and omnipotent presence. Change you by realizing that reality is a product of you, you are not a product of reality. Connecting with yourself in the moment, as you are, is an act of courage but takes no mental effort whatsoever. It’s more of a surrendering of the mental control and an embracing of the true self, no matter where you are and how you are.

When you were locked into the idea of changing reality, you were literally only changing the wallpaper of the prison cell. Changing you allows you to step out of the prison cell, into true reality and then you get it!

You finally get that once you are in direct communion with you at the level of authenticity, then you automatically experience reality reshaping itself around you. I have much deeper work on this subject in the previous calls of the Plasma Light Tribe, go and watch calls in our alchemy series found in the PLT library. The alchemy series consists of 12 calls (each one about 90 minutes) so come prepared for a deep dive into you.

You won’t find this level of info from me on social media, these are master class teachings and they’re available to you when you join the PLT. You can join for a month or a year, leave when you want and take what you need. All I ask is that you come with devotion to yourself and in commitment to your highest alignment. You can sit in the field of consciousness I provide, and that will support you, but when you engage with the work a whole new world will open up for you and I would love that for you!


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From my heart
all the way to yours…