Beyond Forgiveness

(18 customer reviews)

Original price was: $444.00.Current price is: $187.00.




18 reviews for Beyond Forgiveness

  1. Eva (say ava) B (verified owner)

    This course is… LIFE CHANGING 🔥🙏🏾
    TRUE-ly FELT forgiveness, coming from every angle, complete package, SUBLIME EXPERIMENTIAL DEPTH🌹❤️❤️‍🔥
    I will definitely repeat it, there is sooo much gold that i have missed in the first round. It took me days to assimilate and still ..

    I am BEYOND BLESSED, BEYOND GRATITUDE, Kerry❤️‍🔥and🔥❤️🌹🙏🏾🦋
    Go for it and THANK YOU all, you brave hearts❤️🌹🔥🙏🏾 Eva, ava, Belgium 🦋

  2. Jennifer (verified owner)

    Powerful and life changing!

  3. A_M_A_R_A (verified owner)

    Kerry K’s Beyond Forgiveness course exceeded all my expectations. After 40 years of various therapies, spiritual paths and several years in 12-Step Anonymous groups could not help me to reconcile COMPLETELY with my story, which I had been suffering from for over 50 years, it happened in the 6th part of the course, which felt like a gigantic final firework for me from the beginning. Now I am finally ready to take on my original name again.

    I think it’s worth doing the whole course from the beginning. Each episode builds on the previous one. It took me 7 weeks to complete the whole course and I watched each video twice, on different days.
    The course is very intensive and I don’t know if I would have made it through as well in person as the people on the video. Thank you so much for showing yourselves! You are all very close to me now! ♥ Thank you Kerry! ♥

  4. Marion Pfundheller (verified owner)

    Dear Kerry,
    I did this course right after I joined the PLT. And it was the most life changing experience for me. During this course I gained so many insights on what went wrong in my life. It’s so amazing. I am able to apply your teachings to my daily life and it worked out so beautifully. Life became much easier. My relationship to my children and my family improved so much. It really made us heal. Thank you. I am so grateful.

  5. Fernanda Martins (verified owner)

    I am not sure I have the adequate words to tell you how extraordinary the Beyond Forgiveness series was, and how much it helped me understand that I was much more than what I saw in the mirror.
    This course enabled me to start loving myself without judgement. This course is a tough pill to swallow when you have lived a life feeling worthless but through pain, tears and release you will see light. Now my Light Shines and as Kerry constantly says “shine baby shine”.

    Thank you Kerry for the passageway into ascension.

  6. Monika (verified owner)

    This is such an amazing course! I especially liked the structure and evolution of the course. In the meantime, I have revisited parts of it several times.

    I had such a nice experience in the last part. It was amazing to view me with the eyes of the universe. I was pure light, so bright I could barely see me, the only thing that came through the light was my kindness and gentleness. And at the very end of this session, I even experienced unconditional love for myself. It was the first time ever for me. Since I finished this course, this now happens more often, now and then. Thank you Kerry for this amazing experience and for everything you are sharing with us.

  7. MIKEY (verified owner)

    Today I finished the last session for this course. Every time I did the meditations, I felt my connection to me and to the greater power that is indescribable in words. I have sensed the changes already within me as I feel so much lighter and open. And I am looking forward to the next phase of this journey in so much awe and reverence.
    Thank you Kerry ❤️

  8. Jessica De Sousa (verified owner)

    Beyond Forgiveness is a course for souls on a serious journey of self-realization to actualize their highest potential. This course acts as a catalyst, as an activation for humanity to reclaim their divine innocence after becoming a living embodiment of forgiveness itself. This course is a cosmic gift emboldened with the power to uplift humanity. I am humbled and eternally grateful to have received the preciousness of this gift. Kerry, you are the brightest of lighthouses as you support all of the boats in making their way through the stormiest of seas.

  9. Denise Oldale (verified owner)

    Wow, this is an amazing course although it doesn’t end after the 6 weeks. The words, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you service words. Kerry has created this course that goes beyond that, it’s deep so very deep and so very grateful. Feeling this in my very BEingness. Feeling I am innocence and so very loved. Namaste Kerry 💖

  10. Becharrison (verified owner)

    It is hard to put into words how powerful this course is. I am eager to do it again and experience the next level. I feel so much lighter. I had the biggest release I think I have ever had. After doing countless therapies and tools to attempt emotional release. This course accomplished more than all of those combined. Thank you Kerry, the Galatics and my counterparts.

  11. Marion Selzer (verified owner)

    Amazing course! It enables a direct connection to unconditionality. For me, a truly spiritual quality. This course is a door opener to that and brings healing at the deepest level to find your pure innocent essence. Absolutely recommended! Thank you so much Kerry!

  12. Charlyne Pich (verified owner)

    I wanted to review this course right after it ended but i was just too overwhelmed with emotions to put into words the level of growth i experienced during the course. It is so powerful that even today I am still going back to what i gained from the course 3 to 4 months after having taken it. Having grown up in an abusive home and no sense of self identity, I grew up with a very fractured understand of what forgiveness truly is and how powerfully expansive one can become when guided into forgiveness they way Kerry had guided us. Thank you Kerry for seeing beyond the human and into the into the infinite that is each of us.

  13. Julie Larose-St-Amour (verified owner)

    This course touched my heart so very deeply. It gave me the opportunity to connect to the purest part of myself. It felt like a true gift from and to myself. Very eye and heart-opening and nourishing.
    So much gratitude for this work Kerry.

  14. nirvanapd6 (verified owner)

    An eye opening and many realizations of my stagnation in my life was revealed in this course. One of the most profound and aaaaha moments was that I need not agree with everything around me, however I need to accept and honor each souls journey. I have experienced a TOTAL new level of acceptance after this. I have become some much more peaceful with myself by just observing and witnessing. A true magical space to be in.
    Lots of love and blessings to you Kerry and the souls that co- created this course.

  15. Lily Jonsek (verified owner)

    Through this course I came to understand what spiritual maturity is and how to step into it. The journey is challenging, but Kerry leads you through it gently. The way you relate to everything, both inside and outside of yourself, will be forever transformed.

  16. Angela

    A deeply profound journey of understanding and acceptance of who I truly am. While challenging on many levels, finally meeting and embracing my innocence was incredibly moving. Words cannot begin to describe my experience of the deep healing I experienced. Without Kerry’s gentle, loving support, what initially seemed to be so challenging for me, was in fact accomplished lovingly and gracefully. I’m so grateful for being guided on my spiritual journey by Kerry. Thank you dear Kerry!

  17. Sherry Buikema (verified owner)

    An incredible journey of self-discovery and expansion by navigating the depths of density remaining within my being. Uncomfortable at times, as well as, mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting but so worth it! Layers are energetically shifting and softening with so many insights are pouring in. I acknowledge and celebrate these milestones! Space has opened up, so that more of who I am can be remembered and embodied. For this and continuing growth with this tribe, I am eternally grateful to Kerry for holding safe, loving space, supporting and guiding us with her bright light! So much gratitude! Lots of Love.))))

  18. Bonnie Mandell-Rice (verified owner)

    This was a life altering course. Very challenging at times. Meeting yourself very deeply. By the end though – and particularly the final class – it was a life altering experience. Thank you Kerry!

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