Deep Relaxation 3 – Soul
Relaxation of Body
and Soul
are three separate events that will combine into one interactive experience of self that serves to align you with your Highest Intelligence.
This Highest Intelligence is always conscious, has always been conscious, holds all the memory of who you have been and will be, including who you are right now. It knows everything in your entire Akash, in fact, it directs the occurrences that register in the Akash as your life experience.
You can interact with this Highest Intelligence; it is infinite, and it is waiting to work with you directly. It is both a part of you and a part of the Universe simultaneously and is aware of itself as both.
This Highest Intelligence is the consciousness of the God-Spark that exists within each of us.
Deep Relaxation teaches you how to align your physical body by learning to relax all the tension and trauma and you have held since before birth. This is what we will cover in the “Body” meditation whilst in the “Mind” meditation we will be having a deep and intimate conversation with the brain, restoring it to its rightful place so that your Higher Intelligence can begin to show up more fully. In the final meditation, which is the “Soul” meditation we will be learning what it is to relax into ourselves as energetic beings, creating a more intimate relationship with the energy bodies.
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Michelle Sullivan (verified owner) –
My oh my – How beyond glad I am to be able to now Deeply relax into this trilogy of Deep Relaxation meditations.
Now that I feel the light in my body, I realize that the only requirement for personal ascension is to keep going.
Oh Kerry – Thank you for guiding me to Me. An indescribably wonderful, ever-fuller feeling of being loved on the inside of my whole body. And the feeling not only grows, It’s experienced more frequently & for longer stretches of “time.”
There is no greater gift.
What a privilege to be walking home with you & this Beautiful Tribe.
Michelle Sullivan (verified owner) –
This was The most profound experience with True Me to date.
I let Me into me. I let me into Me. With each “back and forthing” of this yielding the feeling of more & more & more Presence.
Feels like such profoundly deep Oneness with Truth in my body., which is still tingling all over.
I’m not interested in re-reading my first review because my experience now is all that matters, & is as different from my first one as night is to day.
It’s now easier to imagine going even/ever deeper into Truth.
Astoundedly lovely to be experiencing ascension.
Kerry’s Supremely Masterful guidance is as infinite as life itself.
P.S. I’ve listened to this meditation numerous times with what felt like not much success …& even agitation at times. Not giving up is the main key.
Michelle Sullivan –
I just finished the Relaxation of the Soul (had already listened to the first two, body .& mind, of the relaxation series. The complete stillness, the profound relaxation, went far beyond what I’ve experienced before with Kerry’s expert guidance. So many breaths were pure inhalations of my soul & exhalations to my soul. I ever so gratefully deepen my presence of who I/we truly are into this body… this body that’s now more able to connect with my soul upon releasing so much emotional pain & negative chattering thoughts thanks to the first two meditations. I’ll return to this series again & again, as led. There really should be in “infinite” rating here, not just up to 5, as infinity is where Kerry so beautifully guides us… & not only in this Relaxation series.Ahhhh presence… feeling it ever ore deeply is everything, is the peace, the unity, the eternity – in other words, the Truth of who we are that we are ushering in to this world that’s believed in the polar opposite for so long. This series simultaneously helps us let go of the old way while simultaneously let in (& commune with) the true way. 💫💞☀️
No one, absolutely no one, has been a bigger help (& her help is beyond enormous)/a truer friend. than Kerry K (& I’ve been at this endeavor while feeling entirely on my own here for almost 40 years).
Christine Turner –
Thank you so much Kerry. I have just finished the relaxation series and feel like light has filtered into the gaps I didn’t know were there in my meditation practice. I realise how I have felt my soul arrives/ is granted access to my body as opposed to being the composite part. I just loved the breath, hardly breathing yet expanding like ( best words I can give ) a fruit burst. So complete and transparent, yet knowing there is so much more growth to enjoy , not strive for. Love and gratitude.
Michelle Sullivan –
Oh the stillness, the presence, the peace-filled feeling in my body upon allowing my soul to consciously enter it And like all other meditations guided by Kerry, I feel my inner default state of peace deepening all the more – this time to incredible new heights..
This Relaxation trilogy explains so much & so beautifully as to why we’ve been in such a fear-filled place inside of ourselves & how we are able to excavate through that “rubble” as we ascend into being more & more of the love/peace we truly are.
I thank you with all of my heart, Dear Kerry.
Lisa A –
I thought that nothing could top the Stability Series, but then this… as a whole, these six “meditations”(Stability Trilogy and Relaxation Trilogy) which are actually more like life altering activations and remembrances are so profound and layered and timeless and necessary that have left me so full and yet completely empty all at once. Nothing but love and gratitude.
Doreen Alhadeff –
This for me was an incredibly peaceful experience. One in which I felt deeply connected and could feel the energies and vibrations pulsating through my body. Part 1 and Part 2 were equally as beautiful. Kerry’s meditations are just the best and always allow me to connect with myself and bring me to the present. Very grateful indeed.
Marion Selzer (verified owner) –
In the moment one of my favorite meditations. It allows me to connect so deeply with myself and I feel more and more carried and guided. Thank you so much!
Matthee (verified owner) –
I just came out of Deep Relaxation 3. And boy was that a masterpiece of a process.
The multi layers of body, soul and spirit was just pulsing and vibrating. The energy was so very, very intense and palbable.
I could feel when I was transmitring and when I was receiving calibration from soul.
But that calibration between soul and spirit was off the charts.
It felt like the deepest I have ever gone before into my stillness.
And just before coning back into the body, a lyric and the melody of a song popped into my awareness.
“Walk in the light…” the lyrics are from the song Cecelia, by Ace of Base.
I menrioned last night during Landswim, that I don’t often hear things while I am in meditation. I try to keep my focus on the energy.
But for the 2nd night in a row, I heard just one phrase. Everything else was this silent hum.
I just wanted to share with you all, so I could integrate.
Allyson Muir (verified owner) –
I actually had to take 2 cracks at this. My first time was quite a wild fight. My body was very restless and my kid wouldn’t stop no matter what we did. So .. 2nd time I honoured my restless body and started standing and moved my legs and hips and body as it wanted to. I realized that my body was grounding the experience for me as it was like having too much current flowing through. The relaxation was so incredibly profound. And at one stage it felt ecstatic. At the monad part I could lay down and then everything was pure and beautiful as much as these silly words can contain that actual energy. Thank you so much for this incredible experience.
Kerry K –
well done for persevering, I love how deep you went!
Sherry Buikema (verified owner) –
Thank you Kerry. You have a magnificent gift of holding space for such deep inner journeys. Morphing our soul with facets of all that we are, creates such a flowing, relaxed melody. Feeling very grateful to benefit from your light. ♡
Kerry K –
Aww, thanks Sherry, I am so grateful to have your light with mine!
Juniper Bhandari (verified owner) –
At first, there were no words to describe what I experienced, and then there were words too cliché to write down. LOL My body feels electrified still as I bathe in the afterglow of my experience. It was tingly, electric, and warm, with a lightning show behind my closed eyes. It was a powerful divine union between me and my soul. Complete with what felt like a strike of lightning through my crown and out my toes. I feel completely blissed out and so fully relaxed, this experience was so amazing, and words cannot do it justice. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I can’t wait to do it again.
Kerry K –
Juniper, this is just phenomenal! What a magnificent experience you’ve had here! When a person experiences electrical current in the way that you describe, it often goes hand in hand with a “rewiring” and a kundulini rising. Basically, this means you made your spirit way more physical through embodiment! That’s what this is all about. Fantastic and well done!
Lynne Price (verified owner) –
Aww Kerry that truly was so exquisitely, deeply blissful, to be able to feel my soul,
and then give back to my soul and then have it amplified..I feel such a profound fullness..I just want to stay here forever..thank you thank you Special K🙏🏻🥰🤗 a side note I came into this with a real nagging backache which is now gone!💚🙏🏻🙌🏻💋x
Kerry K –
Hope your back ache has remained eased xx hugs and love
Angela (verified owner) –
I felt such a deep, saturated connection with my soul. A full ripeness of energy that I haven’t experienced before. Being fully in each moment, feeling deep into each breath was extremely powerful and I felt so present to every nuance of my breath, my beingness. Thank you dear Kerry from my heart for guiding me through this truly magnificent experience. <3 <3 <3 xxx
Kerry K –
such a magnificent pleasure!
Paola S (verified owner) –
This was magnificent! Its beyond words to explain this amazing experience about feeling your soul , such Divine Presence, peace , stillness, so much gratitude and bliss. Thank you Kerry your are so lovely 🙂
Kerry K –
thank you dear Paola! sending you so much love, from my heart to yours
Bonnie Mandell-Rice (verified owner) –
So deeply relaxing. A delicious experience of my soul around me and moving into it and it into me. Thank you so very much
Kerry K –
well done Bonnie, this experience is a really physical one and that’s just brilliant, it’s exactly what it needs to be.
Shirley Buts (verified owner) –
Thank you so much from my heart dear Kerry …. i have no words beautiful enough to describe what i felt …. waaaaaw ❤️❤️❤️
Kerry K –
aw thanks Shirley, hugs and love