The Spiritual Significance of Solstice

Because something mystical happens if, like our ancient ancestors, you connect to the sun. The sun is a source of light in two ways. Firstly it’s a literal light source but secondly it’s a conduit through which consciousness (light) is poured onto our planet.
The sun is a stargate, it’s a portal of light and allows for light from the organic universe to come steaming through itself, and into us.
Much like your physical body is designed to be, the sun is a physical body that anchors light into it. On June 21st (although 2024 is a day early, thus being June 20th) and December 21st we experience Solstice. I love understanding the root of words and guess what solstice literally means … “sun standing still”. In Latin the word “sun” is sol and sistere is “to stand still” … so the latin sol-sistere became our modern day word, solstice and it describes the grand pause.
Take a look and see what happens at solstice. In the Northen Hemisphere the June solstice is known as summer solstice whilst it’s winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. December is the other way around, it’s summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and winter to the north.
Summer solstice is the longest day and Winter solstice the shortest.
On this day, June 21st (actually in 2024 it’s June 20th) the sun can be perceived to be at rest point in the sky. This is what I refer to as the grand pause, as the sun appears to stop and hover in the sky.
For the northern hemisphere, during the 6 month cycle from December 21st to June 21st, the sun appears to migrate on a northerly course in the sky. At the moment of the solstice, that motion stops and then the sun will begin to move south. A motion that will continue for the next six months until the sun drops to its lowest point below the equator and then stops — another solstice point — marking the beginning of winter.
While the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west, it appears higher or lower in the sky throughout the year, depending on the season. Around the solstices, the sun reaches its apparent highest and lowest point in the sky. These correspond to midsummer and midwinter respectively, which are the turning points in the sun’s journey.
So what does all of this mean to you and me?
The ancients knew and understood the intimate relationship between their body, their lives and the sun.
We are bodies of consciousness, just like the sun and our earthly body mimics what the sun does. When the sun pauses and redirects, so do we.
The sun is now taking in a lot of cosmic light, it could not transmit that cosmic light to us during the era of the false matrix. For those who aren’t familiar with my work, the false matrix is the realm we were born to, controlled by archons and something that we came here to this life to collapse. When the false matrix collapses entirely, we steer this ship called planet earth, back to the organic matrix which is Gods original creation template. Now, as we come closer to the collapse of the false matrix, our sun is transmitting more and more light to us directly. We are receiving its signals, and our bodies react, regulate and assimilate all of the information that the sun catalyses in us. We call this ascension symptoms, as our body acclimates to the new energies. We experience a deep emotional stirring up as the old template becomes alchemized into light.
What happens when you pause?
You stop, you face that which was hidden, you come to your senses, redirect yourself if need be. The pause holds all the answers, it is a silent redirect from the universe, through the sun, directly into our lives.
As the solstice energy radiates into your heart, take a conscious breath. Yes, your body feels the energetic pulse of what the sun is doing even when you can’t see the sun.
So take that breath
Align inside yourself so that you can feel your centre and imagine a light of connection between your body and the sun, that is a pathway of consciousness that the organic universe (also known as God) uses to connect with you. Let it. Let the light of the universe be breathed into your heart and take it right in. You don’t have to speak to it with your head, instead, allow it with your heart. It’s a feeling of permission and openness.
The great pause will reveal a new beginning for you and a conscious redirect in your life. This is a pause. Take it. After the pause is a turning point. Accept it. Your soul is working with you to shift your life into the highest possible path. Like I always ask the Plasma Light Tribe, how good can this get? Ask yourself this question … really feel the genuine curiosity it evokes … how good can my life get? Hmmmm … what a beautiful thing to ponder on this day.
Join the Plasma Light Tribe if you’re called to active and align in an amplified way and deepen your awakening journey into your enlightenment journey.
Use coupon code SOLSTICEKERRY for a 20% discount on all meditations and courses in the shop This coupon is valid for Solstice day only.
With love always
Hello Kerry! Thank you kindly for this. I can most definitely feel the redirect! And thank you so much for the past year in the PLT. ❤️
This is beautiful,inspiring, uplifting, and just WOW!! Im loving the journey. The journey back to me. Things are picking up. Look at that beautiful sun!
Thank you for years of teachings and guidance.
Thank you Kerry for this guidance reminding us to come up for air to breath in fresh and revitalized. Personally, I had been feeling as though I was in in the confines of rut, doubt had begun to sneak in (a feeling if which I’d risk say we are all too familiar with) With so many new an unfamiliar energies flowing into our fields having your guidance is gold to me.
Yes! I do resonate fully with your message during this summer solstice. With so much Love, Thank you deeply from my heart to yours, rippling beyond…
Finally I have some clarity around solstice. I knew it was significant.
Thank you so much Kerry 💕🌞
Thank you Kerry, you have helped me more than you know. To others they think of me as the crazy one growing up yet i know that is me being aware most of my life. I am a light worker and thats ok. I am a little sad that tomorrow is not the summer solstice, its my born day. Love and Blessings.
Thank you so much for your wonderful explanation of this solstice and now being able to receive the universal light codes. I’m so open and happy to getting this ascension show on the road!
Thank you, Kerry, for being here and showing me this path. You and the tribe have helped me see the light of day, literally, after a great loss and a very dark night. Much love and Happy Solstice!
So schön, so berührend, vielen Dank liebe Kerry. Alles Liebe, Ilona
Thank you Kerry, your message is so appreciated. Have a wonderful solstice day!
Happy Solstice dear Monika, much love
Thank you Kerry for publishing these ! So helpful and up lifting!
Thank you Scott, it’s always good to know when something is helpful … I’ll keep that pen to paper! much love
Thank you Kerry💖 I feel excited right now, even in the unknown because I ask the question every day HOW GOOD CAN THIS GET💗💗
woohooo … I really want to know!
Kerry I appreciate you so very much, all the way from Nova Scotia Canada
I have been ‘following’ you for quite a number of years with so much love, gratitude and many heart sighs.
Your share how we have not been able to receive the light codes that the solstice offers as the false matrix was in the way, truly truly explains so much for me as to ‘why’ solstices and equinoxes were just a ‘mhew’ for me, only acknowkedging them cause hey, its supposed to be a thing. Giggles. Thank you Kerry, truly
Even I used to feel them as “mweh” events so you certainly weren’t alone xx so much love
Dearest Kerry I love the work that you share with us. I am new to your site but at the same time I feel like I know you all my life. And your work resonates with me big time. I know things are shifting for me I’m on my way.!! I’m so delighted you are part of my journey. Love and blessings to you from Nova Scotia Canada
Thank you so much, dear Kerry. Tears come running while reading – understanding and relief came with the last words , finally! You´re such a blessing for me.
such a moving comment, sending you so much love Lydia, from my heart to yours
The energy is electrifying. I can’t believe the energy I feel from you and your members. Why was I in such a deep state of amnesia? I have always been connected to the moon and sun and could never understand truly why!
How how how how how how GOOD can this get?!?!?!?!?!?!
Thank you dear Kerry for your amazing teachings. Love and blessings, happy Solstice ♥️
Beautiful Thank you Kerry Sending you Love Light and Blessings today! Love Gail
Thank you dear Gail, all my love
Thank you Kerry! I am new to the Plasma Light Tribe but have been drawn to you online. What you say resonates deeply. Thank you for sharing you insights and wisdom beautiful soul sister!!! My heart chakra feels warm and glowy today. ❤️❤️❤️ 🙏
Lovely Kerry, thank you 💫💛✨
thanks Mary Jo, love and blessings
Perfectly lovely and inspiring, Kerry! Thank you for this gift and Happy Soulstice to you!
you’re an angel, thanks MaryAnne
Thank you, Kerry. This is Divine. Loved, “reconnecting in a family gathering” ! And So It Is! Sending so much love for your Light, Peggy
And so it is, all my love and blessings
you are like a sun light 🙏🏼