The Push-Pull Energy
When the Universe Grabs Your Collar
and Won’t Let Go
When the universe grabs your collar
Can you feel the swirling of new energy around us right now? I call it the push-pull energy. It’s going to bring challenges and inspiration that elevates us into a much higher state of being. It’s only possible to navigate through this because we are more supported than we ever dared to imagine. Having said that, a lot of the time it’s going to feel as if the universe is pulling you up by the collar rather than you seeking this much elevation. Whether you chose to walk a path of higher alignment or you are being pulled up, into it, this is for you … now.
What exactly is the push-pull energy
The push-pull energy, you can think of as the universes way of pushing us out of our comfort zones – forcing us to face our shadow (repressed fear) – while simultaneously pulling us towards our higher potential.
It is a strange feeling of pushing against something but simultaneously feeling the Universe pulling you beyond that point.
It creates massive momentum and the ability to clear through baggage faster than you believed possible. It’s also going to lift you to heights you didn’t imagine you were quite ready for. It’s all here and it’s all happening now.
The cosmic dance we are learning the steps to, will see us swaying between resistance and expansion, and finding the grace between those two beats.
The Push: confronting what we have been avoiding
Right now, we’re being presented with an inescapable dose of reality. All the things we’ve repressed, suppressed and denied are bubbling up to the surface. You know how it goes—when we ignore something, it doesn’t just disappear. It goes into storage, and that storage is our subconscious.
But guess what?
That storage container is clearing out. To put it bluntly, it is going to feel to you as if the universe is picking up a big lump of unresolved energy and plopping it right in front of you, saying, “here you go. This is yours to deal with and because it’s past due I’m going to give you a whole lot all at once.”
And how do we usually respond? We cry victim. Why me? Why now?
Supported into higher realms
But here’s the thing: the pull in this equation is just as important as the push. Your higher consciousness is pulling you toward something greater. It is enticing you, nudging you, and supporting you in ways you don’t even realize. There’s a level of support available to us right now that we couldn’t have imagined before. It’s as if there is a Universal Source, reaching into your personal space, grabbing you by the collar, and pulling you into a higher resonance.
The Pull: Seeing the dizzying heights of true potential
This pull can feel both exciting and uncomfortable. On one hand, it’s expansive—it fills you with a sense of possibility and potential. On the other hand, it’s surprisingly terrifying.
Facing off with your potential
If I told you that you had to face your fear you would automatically know that this was going to be a big deal, you’d be scared senseless and have to have your wits about you. This is how:
- Maintain your power
- Don’t play small
- Don’t run away and hide
- Keep facing your fear so that you can meet it head on, and dissolve it
But if I told you that you had to face your potential, you’d imagine that to be a walk in the park, wouldn’t you. Well, if you did – you’d be wrong. If facing your potential doesn’t terrify you, nothing will.
You think facing your fear is scary. Pffft! Your true potential is massive, way beyond anything you can imagine, way beyond the highest high, far beyond the greatest fantasy, light years passed your wildest dreams. Your potential is so enormous that the sheer size of it would challenge your current day concept of yourself as a small and separate human being.
It’s going to bring up all of your self-doubt and insecurities and that’s awesome, it must, because that’s how you move beyond those limitations. You face them. Once you face them you realize that you’re more powerful than you allowed yourself to be and expand your sense of self.
Right now, the Universe is sending a clear message: you can’t play small anymore. It’s time to embrace your higher potential and this is how:
- Maintain your power
- Don’t play small
- Don’t run away and hide
- Keep facing your potential so that you can meet it and step into it, and let it dissolve into you
…did you notice that this bullet point list and the one higher up are almost identical? There’s a reason for that and it’s not coincidence. Learning how to face our lows, enables us to face our hights.
We’ve embraced the idea that we need to face our fears, but now it’s time to embrace the idea of facing your higher potential. When you do, it may evoke a small, creeping voice of doubt whispering, can I really do this, am I allowed to have this … then you’re on the right track.
These are the questions that arise when we’re faced with our higher potential. You may have stepped into your potential before; I have done the same. We get to first congratulate ourselves for those steps but then we get to realize that what we thought was entering into our potential, was only a tiny step. The real quantum leap is ahead of us.
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My own life examples
Let me give you an example from my own life. Lately, I’ve been feeling this pull to write a book—a book I was meant to write a long time ago. Every time I sit down to write a blog or a newsletter, the book starts pouring out of me. At this point in my life, I can’t even type a simple text message without the book interrupting! That’s my higher potential pulling me, grabbing me by the collar and saying, Kerry, this is what you’re here to do – now stop fluffing around and do it!
When the inner brat surfaces, you know it’s serious
Another example of my potential showing itself to me is that lately I’ve been having this strong pull to move. I don’t mean to another house; I mean to another country. On one hand you might say that’s exciting but on the other hand (at least if you’re me) you’d say that’s terrifying! As I feel this pull to face the potential of living in a whole new country, my inner brat shows up. That’s how you know I’m really feeling challenged.
You know the inner brat, right? It’s super triggering to look at and it is the part of us that resists growth and clings to comfort. My inner brat says, no, I don’t want to move right now. I’ve worked so hard to build this life. I’ve just moved into my house. I haven’t even unpacked yet! Why are you showing me this now, Universe?!
Sound familiar? We all have that inner brat who pouts and sulks when faced with change. For me, she only shows up when there is true resistance to something, and true resistance tells me that there is something there that I need to face. I’m not here to analyse what this is and what it’s going to look like because that’s the great thing about facing these potentials. They’re not absolutes and they may very well evolve into something else, but it’s in the facing of these potentials that we get to expand into them, or something ever greater.
The Dance Between Push and Pull
This push-pull energy is a dance, and it’s happening inside all of us right now. On one side, there’s the push—the density, the unresolved stuff, the old patterns we’re being asked to clear. On the other side, there’s the pull—the higher potential, the dreams, the vision of who we’re becoming.
What happens in between the push and pull?
That’s where the magic happens. That’s where we alchemize the density into light. I call it the Neo-zone. Remember those cool movie scenes in the movie, The Matrix, where Neo is gravity-less and seems to have this superhuman transcendent ability? That’s what happens to all of us in the Neo-zone. The space in-between the push and the pull.
It’s what happens to us when you get unplugged from the false matrix and the density in front of us. We feel weightless, as if floating above our lives. It’s a very surreal experience.
Saying Yes to Your Higher Self
The most powerful thing you can do right now is say yes to your higher self. Yes to the potential that’s being laid at your feet. Yes to the dreams that are whispering to you. Yes to the light that’s calling you forward. It’s okay to feel resistance. It’s okay to have moments of grief as you let go of the familiar. It’s okay to feel like a brat sometimes. Healing isn’t linear, and it’s not always pretty. But it is always worth it.
Sit Your Bum Down – into the Light!
One of my favourite mantras is sit your bum down. You can read these two past blogs where I’ve gone into greater details on this exact subject. Acceptance (Sit your bum down!) and One Thing Spiritual People Keep Getting Wrong
Wherever you are, whatever you’re feeling, just sit with it. Don’t run away. Don’t avoid. Sit your bum down in the density so that you can also sit your bum down in the light.
Because here’s the truth: we’re not just here to face the hard stuff. We’re also here to face the light. And that can be just as challenging, if not more so, because it requires us to step into our power.
The Alchemist Within
You are an alchemist. You have the ability to hold both the push and the pull at the same time. You can face the density and embrace the light. And here’s the beautiful part: the higher frequency energy will naturally dissolve the lower frequency stuff. The light will heal the shadows. All you have to do is allow it. That’s what an alchemist does, they transform one state of being into another and density into light.
So, my dear friend, as you navigate this push-pull energy, remember this: you are not alone. You are supported in ways you can’t even fathom. Your higher self is right there with you, pulling you toward your highest potential. Say yes to that pull – even when it’s uncomfortable. Say yes to the light. And most importantly, say yes to yourself.
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