Spiritual Lessons from Mr Bean

Sometimes when you wait for life to happen, a change to happen, a lover to appear, an answer to given ….
Nothing happens.
Nothing happens when you wait for it.
Waiting for something ensures you are not in the present. You can’t be. You’re projecting into the future and therefore depotentized, disempowered and not creating your reality but rather, waiting for it.
To get your life to flow again, to get out of waiting and misery and struggle – do this:
Understand that you are EITHER in longing/yearning for something you don’t have OR repulsion/rejection of what you currently have.
Longing creates deprivation because the energy it carries is craving which reinforces what you don’t have.
Repulsion is the rejection of your current state and that amplifies your current state because your focus and energy locks it into place.
Think in terms of how energy works: Â energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only TRANSFORMED. Â Therefore, instead of destroying the energy of either longing or repulsion, you can transform it.
The easiest way to transform anything is when you are not in resistance to it, but acceptance of it.
So do the unthinkable and accept that right now you don’t have the thing you wish you had. Or accept that right now you do have the thing you wish you didn’t.
Accept that in this moment, that it how it is.  That doesn’t mean you’re going to create more of this moment, it means you’re going to be able to let it go.
Acceptance sets you free from struggle, unlocks you from the entanglement and allows you to neutralize the reality you were either in longing for or repulsion of.
Need to learn more about acceptance? (Free blog)
The spiritual community has been sorely misled with conflicting and confusing messages about creating a reality by focusing on what they want but then what about the present reality??!! Â That never gets looked at BECAUSE most people don’t realize that your existing reality will return again and again until you TRANSFORM it.
Your existing reality is not dissolved by over-riding it, ignoring it, or creating a new reality on top of it. You are an alchemist who is here to transform energy, and this is your birthright.
Deepen your Spiritual path with Kerry K (not Mr. Bean)
Because of its magnificent scope for transformation, the teachings that excite me the most, are the teachings I get to share on alchemy. This is what I’ve used to transform my life from homeless to home-free, and from loveless to love-filled.
I never had any intention of learning the art of alchemy and keeping it hidden so if you want to join me and find out how good your life can get its time to Join the Plasma Light Tribe.
Until then I’ll keep sending you weekly emails with my love and gratitude. Feel free to unsubscribe at any time (hit unsubscribe below if these mails don’t offer you any benefit)
from my heart to yours
Find out more about The Plasma Light Tribe
I’m so loving your teachings. Thank you so very much Kerry💖
Comment * Ich bin sehr dankbar über meine Freundin Claudia zu Kerry gefunden zu habe, und fühle mich durch Dich Kerry und Deine besondere Art sehr bereichert.
Deine Art die Zusammenhänge klar, liebevoll, manchmal herausfordernd mitzuteilen, Lösungen anzubieten, wie den Raum zur Heilung aus deinem Herzen fließen zu lassen ist wundervoll, ich Danke dir sehr für dein Sein.
Von meinem Herzen den Weg in deines,