
The Higher Timeline Emerges

The Higher Timeline Emerges

5 ways to access it   The Great Divergence - Understanding the 2025 Timeline As we stand at the precipice of one of humanity's most pivotal moments, it becomes increasingly clear that 2025 represents far more than just another year on our collective calendar....

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The Push-Pull Energy

The Push-Pull Energy

When the Universe Grabs Your Collarand Won’t Let Go     When the universe grabs your collar Can you feel the swirling of new energy around us right now? I call it the push-pull energy. It’s going to bring challenges and inspiration that elevates us into a much...

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From Guru to God

From Guru to God

The pathway home     The Guru's won't tell you this, nor will the teachers and preachers. Maybe it's not because they hold malicious intent, it's possible that they themselves don't even know. I'm aware that even as I type this, there will be those who think they...

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2025 A Higher Timeline

2025 A Higher Timeline

Complete with solar flares!     So many tried to prevent us from being on THIS 2025 higher timeline It is being ushered in by solar flares, which is very unsurprising. In case you haven't heard we've had quite a few solar flares in our recent entry to 2025 and...

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Something I Never Got

Something I Never Got

Think of something you desperately wanted but you're so glad you never got   What's it for you? For me, it was my dream of feeling safe in the world. I used to burn with desire for that one thing that I really believed would make my life better. I used to imagine...

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You really are that Powerful

You really are that Powerful

Always the last to know but not this time   The dream spell we've lived in has thrived because we never knew it was happening. For most of us, until the past couple of years, we thought the world was "normal" and we were just a bit weird. Now we realize the world...

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Ascension Symptoms

Ascension Symptoms

NOT EVERYTHING IS AN ASCENSION SYMPTOM   More reason why you should take responsibility for your health and not write off everything you feel, to ascension symptoms. My stance on ascension symptoms in general, is quite different from most. If you are experiencing...

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Spiritual Lessons from Mr Bean

Spiritual Lessons from Mr Bean

Maybe you're waiting for disclosure, or ascension or a breakthrough ... first watch the clip then read below for the gold.     Sometimes when you wait for life to happen, a change to happen, a...

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Time to Get Powerful Lightworkers

Time to Get Powerful Lightworkers

You didn’t come here to opt out! Spiritual warriors, you need to have your wits about you! Recently, I read a comment and when I did I felt an inner explosion. I tried to ignore the comment at first because I get many such comments. I make it a point to answer genuine...

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One Thing Spiritual People Keep Getting Wrong

One Thing Spiritual People Keep Getting Wrong

OMG this causes so much confusion but it's a paradigm shift once you get it!   I frequently speak about the enormous power of being where you are and sitting your bum down into whatever is coming up for you and this causes confusion because ... well, the...

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False Light Spirituality

False Light Spirituality

Have you heard the term "false light", implying that there is a false spirituality? Well, it's a very real, very pervasive thing and I speak about more in this video I didn’t know it, but it was also to become part of a soul reading. It was life changing not only for...

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Handling Overwhelm

Handling Overwhelm

When you're in overwhelm it's time to slow down but a lot of people make this mistake instead: P o w e r i n g    T h r o u g h This can cause the most damage. Far more severe than the overwhelm itself - is the potential damage caused by how the overwhelm is dealt...

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This May Not Be Exhaustion

This May Not Be Exhaustion

  if you're tired, drained, and lacking energy Maybe it's not exhaustion, here's why ...   So many people are feeling so tired that the word tired doesn't quite cover it. I keep hearing in my comments section, "Kerry, I'm too exhausted to go on". These people are...

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Hurt and Healing

Hurt and Healing

The person who harmed you, is not the person who can heal you. Only you can do that. So, it's time to stop waiting for them to wake up change see what they've done be punished feel remorse beg forgiveness   The one who harmed you will most probably never know how...

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My husband is totally devoted to me, and a lot of people say that I'm lucky. It's not luck. I'm just as devoted to him; we've always been this way with each other except our devotion has grown over the years and for that reason I keep being stunned at how much deeper...

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Acceptance (Sit your bum down!)

Acceptance (Sit your bum down!)

I have a few repeated sayings that the Plasma Light Tribe is used to hearing "wiggle-wiggle" is one "shine baby shine" is another They often hear me say things like "you can't leave where you are till you are where you are" but possibly my favourite one is a saying...

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How Can the Majority Ascend

How Can the Majority Ascend

Here’s a recent question that someone asked me and I have to admit, it’s a question that even though I know the answer to, I ask myself this exact question … often. Have you ever wondered the same thing as this person is asking me? The question was posted on this...

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Hurt People Heal People

Hurt People Heal People

HURT PEOPLE HEAL PEOPLE Hurt people are destined to become a legacy of hurt or healing.   HURT PEOPLE, HURT PEOPLE IT’S EVEN MORE TRUE TO SAY THAT HURT PEOPLE, HURT   We've all been hurt, but we are not defined by that hurt, instead what defines us is who we...

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Do You Believe in Yourself

Do You Believe in Yourself

These are the questions that I could ask you • do you believe in karma• do you believe the government has your best interests at heart• do you believe your taxes are building roads and schools• do you believe in past life regression• do you believe in doctors  ...

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Preparing to leave the false matrix

Preparing to leave the false matrix

Preparing to leave the false matrix and enter true reality   As we emerge from the illusion of the false matrix, here are some things need to know: The NOW is not bound to time, it is infinite and a field of consciousness that exists outside of the False Matrix. ...

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Feeling empty on the inside? Here’s why

Feeling empty on the inside? Here’s why

Around 8 years ago I felt empty inside myself and right now I'm noticing a lot of people feel empty, listless, and like something is missing from their lives. Not only did I heal out those feelings so that I can show others how to do the same, I transcended into a...

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3 Secrets to Contentment

3 Secrets to Contentment

Today I'm going to share the 3 secrets to contentment with you and there is a special free gift for you on secret 1 so go ahead and read on.   I spend more time than most people on social media because every single day I post a video to TikTok, Facebook and...

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