Deep Relaxation Trilogy

(6 customer reviews)


Relaxation of Body
and Soul
are three separate events that will combine into one interactive experience of self that serves to align you with your Highest Intelligence.

This Highest Intelligence is always conscious, has always been conscious, holds all the memory of who you have been and will be, including who you are right now. It knows everything in your entire Akash, in fact, it directs the occurrences that register in the Akash as your life experience.

You can interact with this Highest Intelligence; it is infinite, and it is waiting to work with you directly. It is both a part of you and a part of the Universe simultaneously and is aware of itself as both.

This Highest Intelligence is the consciousness of the God-Spark that exists within each of us.

Deep Relaxation teaches you how to align your physical body by learning to relax all the tension and trauma and you have held since before birth. This is what we will cover in the “Body” meditation whilst in the “Mind” meditation we will be having a deep and intimate conversation with the brain, restoring it to its rightful place so that your Higher Intelligence can begin to show up more fully. In the final meditation, which is the “Soul” meditation we will be learning what it is to relax into ourselves as energetic beings, creating a more intimate relationship with the energy bodies.

Deep Relaxation 1 - Body

Deep Relaxation 2 - Mind

Deep Relaxation 3 - Soul

6 reviews for Deep Relaxation Trilogy

  1. Fernanda Martins (verified owner)

    In a moment of desperation I listened to the Deep Relation Trilogy hoping that it would guide me through the high grasses that blinded me of what was beyond. Through tears I found my way out and headed straight into the future… the one with hope. Deep Relaxation was and is a great platform to work with and learn which in turn lead me the Beyond Forgiveness which lead me to me, the real me. As my heart & soul stirred with the knowledge of being innocent I grabbed the reins and pushed on with life which now had a new purpose. These meditations helped me to ignore the voices of untruths about me and around me. It helped me into moments of peace. Kerry has helped me and I know she can also help anyone willing to open their hearts and awaken. Thank you Kerry for taking my hand and walk with me into your PLT community.

  2. Sabrina Hellmann

    So eine tiefenentspannende Meditation. Man kann sie immer und immer wieder erneut machen/vertiefen. Vor allem wenn die Plapperbox (Chatterbox) im Kopf keine Ruhe geben will, ist diese Trilogie sehr hilfreich. Mir hat es geholfen. Vor allem mit Kerrys Stimme im Hintergrund, einfach mindblowing!

    Such a deeply relaxing meditation. You can do it again and again/go deeper into it. This trilogy is particularly helpful when the chatterbox in your head won’t give you any peace. It helped me. Especially with Kerry’s voice in the background, simply mindblowing!


  3. Kristien

    For years my body was full of tension. Being able to relax completely, body, mind and soul was something I longed for and the relaxation trilogy gave it to me. It also thought me to be present and was the base for other teachings and meditations futher down my path.
    I love these meditations and often come back to this trilogy.
    Thank you Kerry for including this valuable trilogy in the PLT membership.

  4. Michelle Sullivan (verified owner)

    Ever more deeply I feel into Divinity every time I connect with this trilogy beyond, beyond ….. infinitely…………

  5. Michelle Sullivan (verified owner)

    My oh my – How beyond glad I am to be able to now Deeply relax into this trilogy of Deep Relaxation meditations.

    Now that I feel the light in my body, I realize that the only requirement for personal ascension is to keep going.

    Oh Kerry – Thank you for guiding me to Me. An indescribably wonderful, ever-fuller feeling of being loved on the inside of my whole body. And the feeling not only grows, It’s experienced more frequently & for longer stretches of “time.”

    There is no greater gift.

    What a privilege to be walking home with you & this Beautiful Tribe.

  6. Sher Buikema

    I am thrilled with this very generous offering by Kerry! As a Plasma Light Tribe member I have experienced many benefits from Kerry’s guidance of leading us home to us. In particular, I am finding these Deep Relaxation meditations invaluable for quieting the chatter and practicing presence. I gifted these meditations to loved ones and they are already experiencing the benefits! It is a joy to introduce Kerry and her offerings to others by way of a gift card! Beyond grateful ♡

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