Time to Get Powerful Lightworkers
You didn’t come here to opt out! Spiritual warriors, you need to have your wits about you! Recently, I read a comment and when I did I felt an inner explosion. I tried to ignore the comment at first because I get many such comments. I make it a point to answer genuine...
One Thing Spiritual People Keep Getting Wrong
OMG this causes so much confusion but it's a paradigm shift once you get it! I frequently speak about the enormous power of being where you are and sitting your bum down into whatever is coming up for you and this causes confusion because ... well, the...
False Light Spirituality
Have you heard the term "false light", implying that there is a false spirituality? Well, it's a very real, very pervasive thing and I speak about more in this video I didn’t know it, but it was also to become part of a soul reading. It was life changing not only for...
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Releasing the Pain of Others
Please consider releasing the notion that it is your path to carry heaviness for the collective. From time to time I hear people saying that they are carrying huge density for the collective. None of us are required to do this, voluntarily or involuntarily. We do not...
The True Nature of Humanity
Recently I had a chat with my son Josh and he asked me what I thought evolving life looked like on other planets. How had they don't it differently, or was what we were going through a "normal" part of a species on the brink of awakening. He was shocked when I said...
Stepping out of the Story
When we step out of our story what remains is love, also known as THE REAL YOU. But stepping out of the story is not conditional. It does not mean that you let go of your story but still cling to the animosity you have towards your next door neighbour for steeling...
What do those numbers mean?
 Many people report seeing number patterns that appear to be deliberate and sequential and undeniably synchronised. The puzzling thing is that as much as they are overtly systemized into coherent patterns. their appearance is indiscriminate as they appear without...
Why Humans Can’t Walk Through Walls
My son told me a story When he was about 5 years old. I never found out if it was something he heard at school or something his intuition guided him to understand. He told me that there was a special island far away where there were a lot of special children,...
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