You really are that Powerful
Always the last to know but not this time The dream spell we've lived in has thrived because we never knew it was happening. For most of us, until the past couple of years, we thought the world was "normal" and we were just a bit weird. Now we realize the world...
Ascension Symptoms
NOT EVERYTHING IS AN ASCENSION SYMPTOM More reason why you should take responsibility for your health and not write off everything you feel, to ascension symptoms. My stance on ascension symptoms in general, is quite different from most. If you are experiencing...
Discernment, the difference between empowerment and slavery
It's time to fool proof your future I get concerned when I see comments like this: "I disagree with you because I've never heard anyone say what you're saying""This can't be true because you're the only one who says it and I listen to all the sages of old who...
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The Roller Coaster of Life
Have you ever been on a roller coaster and loved it? I haven't! I have only felt terror and unrestrained panic but I'm going to imagine myself as one of those people who throw their hands up in the air screaming in delight as they loop-de-loop and feel ecstasy...
Ego or Soul
Not everyone will like this By now, you should know me to be a straight talker.    Although I once used to sugar coat, I simply realized that I do not serve humanity by doing that. The need to be polite and not offend anyone was replaced with the need to be...
The Spiritual Significance of Solstice
Do you know why the ancients of our planet revered Solstice, why they built megalithic structures and monuments to mark that precise moment on the ecliptic plane when the sun would be either the furthest north or the furthest south of the equator that it ever...
2024: The Year Ahead
It's 2024 and it's time to look at what's in store for us on the path ahead - you can read the detail below but here is a brief point-form overview of the year ahead divided into three categories: 1. the obvious (the stuff that makes you go duh!)2. the not-so-obvious...
Your Skeletal Structure
Your Skeletal Structure: What’s stored in your bones? Sometimes I don’t know where a talk is going to go until we’ve gone there. I’m in the flow or the moment and it’s all just running through me, divinely plugged into my soul’s cosmic blueprint where all the...
Are You Lost in Translation
Recently, a dear listener of my YouTube material kindly offered to translate a video for me from English into German. She recreated the video content and turned it into written content. I'll link that for you below. I currently have a volunteer who is working on...
The Ego and the False Self
Sometimes life hurts, or to be more accurate - in life, you can easily get hurt. But what part of you is it that gets hurt? • is it your body - sometimes• is it your soul - not really• is it your mind – to a degree• Is it your ego – ALWAYS!! THAT WHICH YOU...
Ascension 101: Things you may not know
The following post is transcribed from a video conversation with the loving support of Anna McKee, without whom you would not be reading these words. If, as you read, it sounds more like I’m talking to you, it’s because I am! Let these words come alive for you as you...
Responsibility vs. Blame
If someone else is wrong, how am I responsible? Understanding the boundaries of responsibility vs. blame is such a touchy subject, the line is fine and worst of all, open to so much misinterpretation and misunderstanding. The question “if someone else is wrong, how am...
Plasma Light Body Correction – An important energy update and healing for all
Plasma Light Body Correction - An Important Energy Update And Healing For All I first shared this information on Thursday the 22nd of July at 1am. I was in a meeting with the Galactics which often happen in dream state. I was awoken immediately after receiving this...
Universal Christ Consciousness
The Universal Krystic (Christ) Consciousness Christ (not the biblical character) is a consciousness that our blueprint is attuned to. In our purist, authentic form, we are beings of Christ-Light and Christ-Consciousness. The true spelling of Christ is Krystic, it is...
What is a Spiritual Awakening? Everything You Need To Know.
What is Spiritual Awakening and how do you know you are having one? I have been a spiritual teacher for most of my life and yet, never have I seen so many people questioning what a spiritual awakening is. I am not talking about religion; I am talking about...
Why the Law of Attraction Does Not Work
Why the Law of Attraction Does Not WorkAnd What Does! The Law of Attraction does not work, whilst I'll cover why this kind of information winds up in the Spiritual Community, let me focus on a far more powerful technique. Years ago, I remember hearing about the “Law...
Shadow Work
Will you ask for your power back or reclaim what is yours?I woke up this morning thinking about one of the many inverse conditionings that exist in our current day thinking. Whilst we no longer live in an inverse reality, the corrections from living there are on...
An Energy Activation
This message is short and sweet, read it with intention and let the energy flow:Whatever you are doing today, I want these words that you are reading to remind you that you are more than the body you are in. You are a divine being of conscious light who has taken...
The Patchwork Person And The New Human
I just had to share this profound insight from the New Human Course that one of the amazing participants shared with me. Barbara Coughlan from Zimbabwe was one of the 77 participants on the New Human Course that we ran a few weeks ago. Barbara phoned me this morning...
The Pineal Gland And Heart Connection
Since 2016 I have been sharing information about the Pineal Gland and it often attracts a lot of attention. People seem to have a fixed idea about how to activate it and what that means. There seems to be ideas founded on people thinking that an activated pineal gland...
Navigating the Unknown
Recently I have had quite a number of people ask me if it's a good time to be prepping/stocking up on essentials right now. There's an air of anything-can-happen and we are navigating the unknown, so it could be something you want to look into.My son who is now 14,...
Becoming Conscious of the Unconscious
We like to think that it is our conscious thoughts and emotions (ie, that which we are aware of) that directs our life. It does. But equally so does your unconsciousness.Think about the implications of that statement, they're massive, and imply that your...
Implications of the fall of the False Matrix
There is a massive implication that comes with the ending of the false matrix.That is that everything inside of you that was once wired to perceive things in the inverse reality, no longer work how they used to. For some, the energetic wiring still exists but there's...
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