Spiritual Lessons from Mr Bean
Maybe you're waiting for disclosure, or ascension or a breakthrough ... first watch the clip then read below for the gold. Sometimes when you wait for life to happen, a change to happen, a...
Time to Get Powerful Lightworkers
You didn’t come here to opt out! Spiritual warriors, you need to have your wits about you! Recently, I read a comment and when I did I felt an inner explosion. I tried to ignore the comment at first because I get many such comments. I make it a point to answer genuine...
One Thing Spiritual People Keep Getting Wrong
OMG this causes so much confusion but it's a paradigm shift once you get it! I frequently speak about the enormous power of being where you are and sitting your bum down into whatever is coming up for you and this causes confusion because ... well, the...
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The power of Presence
I just finished session two of my online course "Your Powerful Presence" and we spoke about the importance of being in our presence and occupying that space fully. I never brought it up in the course, but it leads me to an important question that I invite you to...
Disclosure is not what you think it is
Disclosure is not what you think it is Disclosure never ends. It is not a truth that you learn, get to the bottom of and are done with. Ever.You are an eternally unfolding truth, expanding into the awareness of who you are with each breathe, becoming more of your...
Beyond division and into wholeness
Recently I have seen so many divisive posts and so many divided opinions, from vaccine debates which land up in name calling, the term conspiracy theorist touted in dismissal of viewpoints that are alternative to the mainstream and so on. So many engaged in fighting...
Personal declaration of independence
I recently recorded a YouTube clip in which I talk about consent and how imperative it is to learn to say no. How imperative it is to see what was once difficult to see, what cognitive dissonance cocooned the human psyche from seeing, and exercise their God-given...
The end of duality
In case you haven't yet seen the simple truth at play in our current global reality:There is a war going on, and it is between the dark forces and light forces of planet earth and covid 19 is the smokescreen. Some might ask who is winning in this covert war between...
Your Way? Your Way!
Why the confusion?If you look outside yourself for the answers be prepared that the time ahead may be more difficult for you than it needs to be.And it doesn't need to be! That's why I am writing this.I keep hearing conversations where people are saying "but I don't...
Hologram under (re)construction
I am busy planning part of the course that I am currently running, when I do this of course mega downloads happen and I've just had one that I can't share fully right now, but suffice to say it made me stop and type this message to let you know what an immense...
A Love letter to Humanity
Dear Humanity Oh humanity; you are so precious for pretending to be less than the divine god-self you are. Walking around as if you’re just a mere mortal and not the living miracle you are. You know your disguise was wearing thin and not even you were falling for you...
The Ascended Self and DNA
Recently, someone asked me about my upcoming course called “The Ascended Self” and the role of DNA as we ascend. Here is part of my reply to her, I share it here as it may be helpful to many …we are not created by our genes but rather, the creator of them. We are not...
Cycles of time
Cycles of time Equinox, and the surrounding window of 3 days on either side, is a powerful time for us all. Equinox was marked by the ancients as a time of great importance on the planet and they built monolithic structures to be able to keep track of them. They did...
Humanity, Rise Up
may there be peace in this momentmay there be love and comfortthat finds its way to all hearts, even those who have notbegun to seek this birth-right they did not know is ours may we become aware of the gentle pulse of breath that weaves its own rhythm through us and...
Know who you are
Know who you are The most destructive thing you could ever do, is believe the opinions that others that have about you. Good or bad. By being centred in yourself, connected to higher intelligence, that which we call your multi-dimensional consciousness, you will KNOW...
Are You Sitting or Standing?
You can either stand in your truth or sit in your peace. We may not see it but the one is confrontation the other is acceptance. This doesn't mean that standing in your truth is a negative, nor is it ALWAYS confrontational. There are times when it is necessary and...
The Winds of Change
The winds of change It's late, there's a welcome summer breeze blowing and all is quiet. I got up to close a window and check on the kids and found myself staring outside, at a world I have not seen before. It is new. The air is different and there is a surreal sense...
When Guru’s fall
When Guru's fall, masters appear Judgement is the last stronghold of the old consciousness, it is the thing that perpetuates separation and the thing that people use to assert superiority. Even seemingly conscious people who forget that they're still human, they use...
What if this was all you ever needed
what if all you need is you what if the YOU you've been connecting to is not the real YOU what if the real YOU would make you fall to you knee's in reverence and feel things you could never come close to feeling before. what if the inner work you've done has been...
All I want is Nothing
All I want is nothing.Here I sit, as I have been for many days now, in a timelessness. A quiet inner sanctuary of pure peace that will not be disturbed.I have willed myself to write to you all many times over, and let you know that I love you and have not left you,...
Divine Perfection
There is something at play right now, something we have not been immersed in before and it's called Divine Perfection. It's that emerging inner knowing, that things are exactly as they need to be, that somehow this is all playing out exactly imperfectly-perfect on...
Releasing the Pain of Others
Please consider releasing the notion that it is your path to carry heaviness for the collective. From time to time I hear people saying that they are carrying huge density for the collective. None of us are required to do this, voluntarily or involuntarily. We do not...
The True Nature of Humanity
Recently I had a chat with my son Josh and he asked me what I thought evolving life looked like on other planets. How had they don't it differently, or was what we were going through a "normal" part of a species on the brink of awakening. He was shocked when I said...
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